Adult Hugs With Micheal

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A week later...
Billie's POV
I woke up next to Michael. Nakey-nakey. I had a pounding headache and, after checking, he was nakey-nakey too. Frack! Frack! Frack! Frack!
I couldn't remember anything from the previous night but judging by how much my muscles were aching, I figured we had adult hugs.

Then I thought of my wife. She was probably in the next room asleep and thinking about how perfect I am. I slid out of bed and threw on a dressing gown. As I got to the door, I heard movement in bed and I turned around.

"Billie?" Mina groaned, rolling over to look at me.
"Hey," I said, gobsmacked.
"Did we...?" She asked, pointing to Michael next to her. I shrugged.

"Good morning, ladies," Michael smirked at the pair of us.
"What happened?" My wife half shouted, still being quiet in case y/n heard us. Shit what if she heard us?

"I don't know! Don't ask me! All I remember is getting drunk with you two after y/n wanted to spent the night in the tent again,".
"That's more than we remember!" I shouted at him and Mina nodded with me. She threw back the duvet and stood next to me. Micheal looked the other way.

  "Umm, sweetie?" I whispered softly to her.
  "Look down,"
  "Oh yeah," she smirked at me, looking at me looking her up and down, "you OK there?"
  "What? Oh yeah,"
  "I'm going to get dressed,"
  "or don't,".

  And then she kissed me roughly and left.
  "She gone?" Michael asked, hearing the door close.
  "So, what do you remember?"
  "I do."
  "But you said-..."
  "I just checked my phone, I found some stuff,"

  And then I watched the video of Mina inside me and Michael inside Mina all at the same time. My eyes widened as I watched it and then I was back in my room showing my wife, who had the same reaction as me. The next thing we knew, I was on top of her and we were both nakey-nakey and reenacting the video but with just the two of us.

  We went downstairs after our activities and had breakfast with Micheal, all of us agreeing to pretend it never happened. Then y/n walked through the door.

  "Hey Mums!" And then she hugged us both "Hey Michael!" And then she hugged him. My heart broke a little for Michael as I watched how much that gesture meant to him. Yes it was only a hug, but he had waited for that hug for years and now he was getting them regularly and I don't think he was used to it. They stayed glued together for a few minutes, before they finally let go and smiled at each other. I looked over to my wife and grinned at her, nodding to the pair across the table from us.

  "So what are we doing today?" Y/n asked Michael, ignoring the two of us at the other end of the table.
  "I'm not sure, what do you want to do today?"
  "Well I saw a little river and I wondered if it was safe to swim in?"
  "It's safe!" Michael confirmed and y/n grinned, running upstairs.

  "I guess you're swimming today then," Mina giggled at him.
  "I guess so," he grinned, and then he was upstairs too.

  "It's cute how they're close, don't you think?" I asked Mina.
  "Yeah, I can tell he wants to be in her life again," she smiled, taking my hand.
  "I'm happy you're here, Mina,"
  "I'm happy I'm here too," and then she kissed me. It wasn't sloppy or long, our lips just brushed together and in that moment, every feeling I had ever felt for this woman was projected into a rib-crushing hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck and occasionally we kissed each other or nuzzled noses. We stayed like that for a while and then y/n ran downstairs.

  "Don't run down stairs," Mina told her, but it wasn't very audible due to the fact her head was buried in my shoulder.
  "Sorry Mum!" Where's Micheal?"
  "I think he went upstairs to get changed sweetie," I smiled at her and took her hand in mine, which Mina didn't like because she pulled me away and hugged me tighter.

  "Mine," she growled at Y/n, who giggled and put her hands up in surrender.

  "Hey gorgeous, we going?" Micheal asked y/n, holding towels in one arm and holding out his hand for her to take. She nodded her head violently and walked off down the path with Michael.

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