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Two months later...
Billie's POV
  I was laying in bed at two am almost three months pregnant, when I decided I was hungry. I slipped out of the covers and kissed my wife lightly on the temple, before making my way downstairs to the fridge- my favourite thing in the house.

  Don't get me wrong, I love the people I live with to pieces, but the fridge? Now he's something else. He even had a name now and sometimes, when I was worried about something, I would sit in front of the fridge and tell him all of my problems, which surprisingly helped.

  "Good morning, James," I yawned, opening my holy grail to be met with food, "I can't sleep and I'm hungry so I thought I would talk to you,".

  I reached in and grabbed a raspberry cheesecake, before pulling a chair up to him and closing his door again. I grabbed a fork and started to eat the food, slowly caressing the fridge's side.

  "Sometimes James, I think you're the only one in this house that gets me. I love everyone so much, but you? You're special," I smiled at the silver box in front of me, opening him again to get a bottle of water, "thanks buddy,".

  "So the reason I wanted to talk to you, James, is that I'm scared, like really scared and I'm scared to talk to anyone about it because they'll freak out," I sighed, taking a mouthful of cheesecake and moaning slightly at the taste, "I know y/n sees me as her Mum and I see her as my daughter, but what if the baby doesn't see me as that, what if the baby hates me and I'm a shitty mother?" I rushed, aware tears were rolling down my cheeks, "I just don't want to disappoint anyone," I sobbed, hugging James tightly.

  I'm aware that the scene may have looked mental, but I'm also aware that not many people have such a special bond with their fridge as I do with mine. Not that I'm objectifying James, but seriously, he's mine.

  I calmed down a little and ate some more cake, deciding to continue with my problems.

  "Another thing I'm scared of, James is the whole giving birth thing. Like, I have to get a human through my Mina hole! I have more holes for Wilhelmina than Swiss cheese, but they're only for Wilhelmina, not to push a foetus through! I'm just a little worried, I guess, what if Mina didn't love me anymore when I have the baby, because it's not her baby?" I sobbed again, taking more cheesecake, I had almost finished the whole thing now and when James gave it to me, it was a full cake.

  "You know what buddy? You're right. Wilhelmina is still going to love me and I'll be fine when I have the baby. Can I tell you a secret, James?" I smiled, "I'm 100% certain the baby's a girl, but you can't tell anyone because I'm pretty sure Mina and Michael want a boy,".

  I thought I could hear movement upstairs so I picked up the rest of the cheesecake with my hands and fit it all into my mouth, before putting the chair back and grabbing my water.

  "Hey, you," my wife smiled, wrapping her arms around my waist.
  "Hey," I smiled, kissing her softly.
  "What are you doing awake?"
  "I was thirsty," I lied, holding up my water.
  "You coming back up to bed?"
  "Yeah," I grinned, following her out of the kitchen.

  "Night, buddy," I whispered to James.
  "Sorry what did you say?" Mina asked.
  "Nothing," I smiled, walking up the stairs with her.

  We got back into bed and my wife smiled at me.
  "I love you so much, Billie," she whispered through the darkness.
  "I love you too, Mina," I said, wrapping my limbs around her body, as if to protect her from something. I'm not sure what it was that I was saving her from, but I was doing a good job of it so I don't think she cared.

  She snaked her arms around my waist and kissed me lightly, before we both fell asleep and I dreamt of James.

Help Me PART TWO :)Where stories live. Discover now