What makes us

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10 years later...
Cordelia's POV
Ten years ago today, I killed everyone I loved. Mums, Apple and my sister all burnt because of me. Today, I become the Supreme. It was two am and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I pushed back my duvet and stepped into the shower.

I applied a truck full of makeup, trying to hide the fact I had cried all night and not slept at all, yet still keeping it looking natural.

I had four hours before I was able to leave my room so I picked up my phone and put on my sister's old playlist that I literally worshipped.

  I had four hours before I was able to leave my room so I picked up my phone and put on my sister's old playlist that I literally worshipped

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(Here's the playlist if you didn't get it lay book)

Oh girl it's youuuuuuuuu, that I lie withhhhhhhhhh! I sobbed into my pillow.

Waterproof makeup was definitely the right way to go today. I looked at some pictures of my old family on my phone and then decided I wasn't helping myself and turned them off.

For ten years, I had lived with knowing I had murdered my family and I couldn't fix it. I could remember watching the house burn down with them in it and their burning bodies holding each other as the fire slowly tore them apart.

Mums last words were "I love you" to one another, but I never caught what my sister had said, or what her girlfriend had told her before they died.

  Ten years later, and I still can't say my sister's name, from the fact that my heart burns when I think of her. I think my magic came back on me or something because it's like a literal fire goes up inside me when I picture her.

  I loved my sister more than my Mums. I had tried to love them more, but I always found a reason to love my sister a fraction better. I found her so smart sometimes and she had practically raised me. If I had listened to her when she said to not show anyone my magic, she would still be here.

  After my family's deaths, I changed my last name to make sure I couldn't be linked to their murder. Because I hadn't been born in a hospital and in the middle of an apocalypse, there were no actual records of my existence, so I was not looked for. I changed my name to something so unbelievably ironic- Goode- with an 'e' just for effect. I found the irony in the fact that if I had been good that night, and followed my sister's instructions, I wouldn't have had to change it in the first place.

  I found I had lost myself in a little bubble of self-hatred and it was only popped when I was escorted out of my room by security guards, taking me down to my preparation room for the following ceremony.

  I was really craving a raspberry cheesecake. Mum (💛) used to tell me she had them when she was pregnant with me and that's why I loved them so much. I also loved profiteroles, apparently for the same reason.

  I walked past a mirror on my way downstairs and for a second, I saw my family stood around me, looking proud and smiling. I knew I had imagined it, but it gave me strength to get to the little room.

  I noticed when I saw my family in the mirror, that I looked just like Mums. Just like them. I had Mum's (💜) eyebrows, but apart from that, I was practically identical to Mum (💛). Even my hair fell the same as her's had. Mine was a little longer but otherwise, I was her mirror image.

  I didn't mind looking like mums because I had always thought they were gorgeous. I didn't look much like my sister, apart from my eyes. We had the exact same eyes and because of that, my eyes were my favourite thing about myself.

  My sister was always pulling makeup on me and doing my hair to turn me into a mini her, much to mums' disliking. I enjoyed her little makeovers though, I found them interesting because when she put something on me, she told me a story about how she ended up with it or why she uses it. Sometimes the stories were boring, but other times they were kind of cool.

  I had sat in the room for a while when I finally heard my cue to enter the hall.

  "Your new Supreme, Miss Cordelia Goode,".

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