Do you love me?

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3 months later
Billie's POV
  "I just don't know what to do James!" I stressed, talking to my best friend at four in the morning, "I don't think she loves me anymore! We haven't had adult hugs for six months. I mean, I won't let her because I didn't want to hurt the baby, but I think she's given up on us," I sobbed, shoving another profiterole in my mouth.

  I looked at James, pity crossing his face, "I think you're the only one that loves me anymore. It's just the two of us now," I sighed, caressing his handle and planting a small kiss on his door.

  "What are you doing?!" My wife stared, wide eyed from the kitchen door.
  "I-," I pushed another profiterole passed my lips, "this is James," I motioned to him, "I've been telling all of my problems for the past six months, umm he feeds me and doesn't judge and he's just awesome," I smiled at my best friend, stroking his handle.

  "You've been talking to the fridge? That's what you've been doing almost every morning?!"
  "He's not just the fridge! He's called James," I crossed my arms over my chest, inhaling another profiterole.
"OK and what have you been talking to James about?" She sighed, pulling a chair up to me. She tried to take a profiterole but I pulled them away and hissed at her.

"Just stuff," I said, smiling at James.
"What sort of stuff?" She asked, also stroking James.
"Stuff about us and the baby and me and y/n and Micheal and stuff," I replied, giving her the last profiterole.
"No, it's the last one," but I pushed it past her lips and shut her up. She moaned slightly at the taste and smiled at me, kissing me softly.

  "What about us?" She whispered, looking into my eyes, that were filled with sadness.
  "I just... do you love me still?" I blurted out, putting a hand over my mouth after realising what I had asked.

  "What? Billie? Why would you ask that?" She whispered, tears pricking her eyes.
  "I just need a yes or a no, Wilhelmina," I said, avoiding eye contact.
  "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" She rushed, squeezing my hands.
  "Yes, Billie, I love you, still. I know I've been distant recently and I'm so sorry but I'm scared and I don't want to hurt you," she sobbed.
  "Why are you scared?" I squeezed her hands back and wiped a tear from her cheek.

  "I just don't want to lose you. What if something goes wrong?" She whispered softly, throwing her arms around my waist and laying her head on my shoulder.
  "If something goes wrong, Michael can fix it," I smiled at her, "I have something to show you,"
  "What?" She wiped her tears.

  I unhooked her arms from around me and put her hands on my bump.
  "Just wait," I grinned, keeping her hands on the baby.

  There was a small kick and Mina jumped a bit.

  "Did it just?" She asked, looking at the baby.
  "Yeah! She's done it for about a week," I smiled, reflecting her face in mine.
  "She?" She smirked at me.
  "Yeah I have a feeling," I nodded.
  "Hmm, I want a boy," she challenged me, knowing I really wanted a girl.

  "Well we'll see,"
  "Do you want to go back to bed?"
  "Yeah," I nodded, "goodnight James and thanks again buddy,"
  "I can't believe you've been talking to the fridge!" She whispered as we went back upstairs and crawled into bed.

  "What are you doing?" I frowned, watching my wife lay on top of the duvet.
  "Shhhhh," She whispered.

  She put her head on my bump and kissed it softly.
  "Hey, baby, I'm your Mummy and I want you to know that I love you and your other Mummy very, very much," and then she kissed me again. My eyes watered, watching my wife talk to the baby, "and although you've not been born yet, I'm already proud of you and I always will be,".

  "I love you," I sighed, running my fingers through her red hair that was laying across my stomach.
  "I love you more,".

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