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2 weeks later...
Billie's POV
Mina and I had noticed Cordelia wasn't paying much attention to things in the past couple of weeks and she always seemed tired. We decided not to worry about it and we let it slide until one evening, I got a call from her Maths teacher, saying she had fallen asleep in class three times as of today.

  "I really think something's wrong, sweetheart," I said to my wife, taking her hand.
  "Maybe y/n knows something?"

  "Y/N?" I called up the stairs.
  "Wassup?" She smiled, coming into the kitchen.
  "Actually, that's what we need to ask you," Wilhelmina said, wrapping her arms around my waist as I sat on her knee.
  "You do?" She asked, frowning at us over her glasses.

  "Y/n, sweetie, have you noticed anything weird about Delia recently? We just had a call from her maths teacher, who told us she's fallen asleep in class three times," I said, taking her warm hands in mine.
  "I've noticed she's been a little tired recently, yeah, but nothing else. And, in her defence, I fell asleep in maths many more times than that," she giggled, trying to lighten the mood, "but I'll talk to her, she's usually pretty open about stuff with me," she smiled.

  "Thanks, gorgeous," I squeezed her hand a little, "so how was your date the other week?" I smirked, slipping it into the conversation. I felt my wife tense up behind me and look over my shoulder.

  "Yeah, it was good, thanks Mum," she grinned at me and left.
  "I want to know who it is!" Wilhelmina sighed frustratedly from behind me.
  "I'm sure she'll tell us everything eventually," I giggled.
  "But I want to know now!" She whined.

  We spent the night trying to figure out what was happening with Cordelia and why she was so tired all the time, but we couldn't think of anything. I called it a night when Mina got really worried and started to cry and panic and hyperventilate. It took me a while to calm her down and convince her that it would all be OK.

  Then we tried to figure out who on Earth y/n was seeing. We didn't know many of her friends, and the only ones we could think of, we didn't think she would date them.

  "She was with a girl before the apocalypse happened. They really liked each other, it's a shame she died really," Mina sighed.
  "Oh yeah, I remember her! They were really cute together! We're talking about the girl with the blue eyes right?"
  "Yeah, Apple,"
  "Hmm, I never understood naming your child after a fruit but it suited her," I smiled, remembering how happy they were together. Even though they were both young, Wilhelmina and I thought they would always be together, but then the apocalypse happened and only one of them survived.

  "Imagine if she'd survived," My wife smiled, "they'd probably be married by now. They had their entire wedding planned, remember? They'd even found their dresses," we laughed at the memory of helping them plan a wedding one afternoon.

  "They we're going to marry in the forest, weren't they? Y/n wanted a suit-dress hybrid thing but then they were going to were Princess dresses on the night together,"
  "Yeah, they a clearing in the forest and they were adamant that would be where they married. A little bit like... oh my god, Billie,"

  "The wedding they had planned for themselves was just like the wedding y/n planned for us. She based our wedding off her dreams for her and Apple," and then we were both crying. We had never really talked about how much the apocalypse had impacted y/n, but it all came together in that one realisation.

  "The forest clearing, the flower aisle, even the fabric she used to make the front," Mina whispered, looking at our wedding pictures on the wall.

  "It was perfect though, they did a good job together," I smiled at the pictures.
  "Yeah, their wedding matched their relationship," we laughed and decided it was probably bedtime.

  We checked on Cordelia, who was asleep and then y/n, who was not.
  "We're going to bed," I smiled at her.
  "OK, hey Billie, can I talk to you about something?" She whispered.
  "Yeah of course," I heard Wilhelmina leave and go into our bedroom down the hall.

  "Do you remember my girlfriend Apple?"
  "Yeah, your mum and I were just talking about her,"
  "Yeah, we were saying how sad it was she didn't make it because you were just so perfect,"
  "She did make it, Billie. She's who I was on that date with. We bumped into each other at the park and it was like the apocalypse had never happened, we just ran at each other and finally had our first kiss," she grinned.

  "Apple made it?"
  "Yeah, she made it,"
  "Congratulations, sweetheart,"
  "That's not all,"
  "That Night with the date, Apple asked me to marry her," she smiled.
  "Seriously?! What did you say?!"

  "Yes," she giggled, holding out her hand with a small crystal ring on it.
  "OH MY GOD?! I'm so happy for you y/n!"
  "Delia knows, Mum doesn't, I'm not too sure how to tell her and I was hoping you could maybe do it?"
  "You really want me to do it?"

  "OK, sweetie,"
  "I'm going to bed now too Billie,"
  "OK, goodnight, beautiful,"

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