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2 weeks later...
Billie's POV
I sat staring the the tests in my hands. I was shaking and crying silently. Not now. Not now. Not now. To be safe, I did another but I had the same result.

I was pregnant with Michael Langdon's baby.

Lady Gaga, I was pregnant with his child.

"Billie?" My wife tapped on the bathroom door.
"Are you OK?"
"Yeah," but my voice cracked and Mina came in to find me sat on the floor surrounded by 12 pregnancy tests. At fist she did nothing, she closed the door behind her and she picked up a test. She remained calm looking at the result and did the same with the other 11.

"You're pregnant," she whispered, looking at my shaky form and taking my hands. I couldn't speak so all she got was a sob.
"Hey, shhhhh," she hushed, pulling me into a hug, "it's OK. You're going to be OK," she smiled and squeezed me tighter.

"You're not mad?" I whispered, holding onto her like my life depended on it.
"I can't really be mad can I? I joined in too," she let out a silent laugh and held me closer, "this seems familiar,".

Of course I knew what she was talking about. An unwanted baby was the reason we ended up together in the first place but then I thought maybe she was talking about her baby that she conceived in the outpost and had aborted only a month later. I found that story tragic. Not only was she too broken to have the child, the father and her best friend who aborted it for her killed himself after it, leaving her to deal with it alone. Y/n had no idea that she was ever pregnant of course, she didn't want her to know that was the reason for her friend's suicide.

"Which time?" I asked, thinking about it too much.
"Both, mainly the first but a bit of the second, I guess,"
"I don't know to do, Mina," I sobbed, holding onto her purple jumper.
"Shhhhhh, you know your options, I don't mind what you do with it, it's your body,"
"I only have two options now, don't I?"
"Yes sweetie," and then I was crying again, "but you have lots of time.".

  My wife carried me back into our room and laid me down on the bed. She kissed me lightly and left again. I was too tired to pull her back but she returned thirsty seconds later with the tests that she put in a drawer.

"Do you want tea, gorgeous?" She asked me, pulling me close.
"Please," and then she left again.

Y/n was swimming with Michael again today so I was certain that I could cry all I wanted without being disturbed by anyone but Mina.

  When Mina came back , she put my tea down next to me and climbed into bed. She was pressed against me and laying on the foot of mattress that I had left on that side of me.

  "Why don't you avoid falling off and lay on your side where there's space?" I giggled, catching her as she fell off the side for the fourth time in five minutes.
  "But I like it here," she whispered, smiling at me and kissing me softly. I shuffled across the bed to give her more room and she moved up closer to me.

  Her arms and legs wrapped around my still-shaky body and she kissed my shoulder. We were fully dressed still but I didn't mind. I pulled the duvet up a little further so that all I could see was Mina's pretty face and then we fell asleep.

  I knew Mina was nervous about me but I also knew she wouldn't show it. Whenever it came to anything like this, she because very protective and clingy and I mentally prepared myself in my sleep for the following months with my wife.

  I dreamt about Mina and Y/n, holding a little baby girl after I had given birth. Weirdly, Michael wasn't there and when I asked where he was, they wouldn't tell me. I was so happy though and when I woke up the next morning, I knew what option I was choosing.

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