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So that's it for this book! It's nowhere near as long as the first one but I think I prefer this one 🤔

Thank you, dear reader,
For reading all of this.
I hope you liked reading it,
Just as I did writing it.

I might consider a part three,
But you'll just have to wait and see.
I have some ideas, just some little dreams.
That'll be books soon, just trust me.

Thanks again for everything,
Your comments, views and votes.
I really enjoyed writing this one,
And you did, reading too, I hope.

So I have ideas for more books that aren't linked to this one and I don't think there'll be a part three, but I'll put an update on this one if there is, so you know.

Remember it's not a nice world out there, but it's a beautiful one and you should embrace that. Please stay safe and if you think you like someone, do something! Trust me, it changed my life :)

Help Me PART TWO :)Where stories live. Discover now