Our Time

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Y/n's POV
  The tent Michael had set up looked tiny for the two of us and I think he knew I was sceptical about it.
  "Trust me, go in," he said, grinning at me. I frowned and reluctantly entered the tent.

  It was huge. There was a kitchen area and a dining room across from me, a living space to the left and two doors to the right, which I could only assume were our bedrooms. The things magic can do.

  "Your's is the right door, y/n," and then I was off like a gun, running straight for my room.

  It had a double bed in the middle of the far wall, a keyboard plugged in at the right wall next to a sofa and TV, and a huge walk-in wardrobe on the left side of the room. There was also an en-suite with a marble shower, claw-foot bath, toilet and huge sink, that I could've easily sat in.

  I was at a loss for words, so instead of speaking, I took the time to jump on the bed, because no one would tell me off.
  "You know, you're basically an adult," Michael laughed, watching me bouncing up and down.
  "So?" And with that, I jumped off, took his hands and pulled him onto the bed with me, before bouncing on it with him, "See, it's fun!".
  "OK fine it is," he laughed and I joined in, before bellyflopping onto the duvet.

  Michael laid down next to me and joined me in staring at the white ceiling.
  "Thank you," I whispered, squeezing his hand.
  "For what?" He frowned.
  "Everything," and then I hugged him. My head was on his shoulder and my arm was draped loosely over his waist. He seemed shocked at first, but then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, squeezing me tightly as if he had always wanted to hug me. I was smiling softly at the contact and saw he was too, his smile only grew when his eyes met mine and I went back to my original position on his shoulder.

  We stayed like that for a while and then we decided to take stupid pictures with random things around the tent-house-thingy. We were still dressed and made-up for the wedding, so although the pictures of the two of us were idiotic, we looked great.

  "I wonder if Mums are OK," I sighed after a while, running my hand over the velvet scrapbook that I was meant to give them after the wedding as their gift. I had decided not to though, as I wanted to stick in the pictures from today.
  "I'm sure they're doing fine, y/n," he laughed, shaking his head slightly.
  "Oh yeah, I forgot," I laughed, internally being sick, "ewwwwwwwwwwwwww, I hate my brain," I groaned, thinking of the time I found out that they were a couple by walking in on their adult hugs.

  "What's up?"
  "OK so, Mums didn't actually tell me they were together," he frowned.
  "Yeah, Billie had an abortion and Jeff, my and Mum's friend, took me away for a week so she could heal. Well, when Bill was OK, Mum called Jeff and told him we could come home again. We weren't expected home until around four, but Jeff needed to do some work so he dropped me off at one,"

  "So I decided I would surprise them and go in the back door so they didn't hear me come in. It was pretty quiet downstairs but I could hear Billie giggling from upstairs, so I followed that up to Mum's room. I pushed open the door a bit and saw them practising making babies," I shuddered at the memory.
  "Practising making babies." He repeated.
  "Yeah, like giving each other adult hugs. Well they didn't realise I was there and I was really confused and scared, so I just sort of stood there and watched. Then Billie saw me and they stopped and Mum left us alone to talk and that's when Billie told me she loved Mum and I made her promise to never leave her or I would hurt her, and clearly she kept her promise," after I finished my story, I smiled, realising Billie had kept her promise to me and she hadn't left Mum at all, ever. Yes, Mum left her, but only because she had to.

  "Great story, y/n, but you look tired," I yawned but shook my head and we laughed a bit.
  "Ugh, I can't be bothered to get ready for bed," I groaned, and then Michael stood up and walked around to the back of me.

  "Let me help," he whispered. I was confused at first, but then I felt him start to slide pins out of my hair and I just let him do it.
  "That feels nice," I sighed and closed my eyes, as he ran his fingers through my y/h/c, y/h/t, y/h/l hair.

  He picked me up off the sofa, carried me into my en-suite and started to wipe off my makeup with a warm flannel and my remover. The smell made me sleepier than I already was and the heat of the flannel wasn't helping.

  "Come on, let's get you into bed," he laughed, moving his hand and poofing me into my fluffy pyjamas. He picked me up again and took me back into my room, before he peeled back the duvet and put me down on the soft mattress. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and I think it was the best night's sleep I had ever had.

Help Me PART TWO :)Where stories live. Discover now