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Michael's POV
When I got home, I found the three girls asleep in the sofa. I hadn't thought y/n would be awake so early but I guessed I was wrong. They all had dried tears on their faces and as much as I wanted to wipe them, I didn't want to wake their little group.

I went upstairs to y/n's room and got her colourful blanket, before taking it back downstairs and putting it over the girls. I chuckled slightly, observing the sight in front of me and went back to my room to change.

They were still in their positions when I got back down to them and I couldn't help but take a picture of them. Even asleep, I could tell Billie was over the moon and that put a smile on my face. I left to make tea and when I was about to pour the kettle I heard someone leave the living room.

  "Tea?" I asked, not even looking who it was.
  "Umm... please," she whispered. Y/n. I'd forgotten how soft her voice was.

  "Oh, hi,"I turned around, shocked.
  "Two please,"
  "Exactly how I like it," I smiled, she returned it and I put her drink in front of her.

  "So, I have a favour to ask you," she said as j sat across from her.
  "Go ahead,"
  "Billie and Mum are getting married. They've decided they still want to go ahead with their wedding,"
  "That's great y/n!" I smiled.
  "Yeah, I know but I kinda wanted to make it special and I need your help,"
  "Of course I'll help, what do you need me to do?"
  "Back in the outpost, in my room, there are three scrapbooks under my bed. I need them. Once I get hold of them, I can show you what I want to do,"
  "I'll have them to you tomorrow,"
  "Great, thanks Michael! You're the best!" And then she was out the door and upstairs.

  I was trying to process what had happened just then and I smiled at the realisation that y/n didn't hate me.

  Billie and Wilhelmina woke up half an hour later and I pretended to act shocked when they told me about the wedding. I felt honoured that I was invited and they wanted me to be the officiator.

  I told them I would sort out everything or them and they should leave it all to me. They weren't too sure about the idea at first but then I said y/n would help me and then the wedding was entirely up to us.

  The next day, I woke up early and retrieved y/n's scrapbooks, killing everyone in the outpost in the process. I looked around y/n's room for a while, picking up guitars and leads. I would go back for them but all that mattered was the books.

  When I got home, everyone was still asleep. I crept into y/n's room and shook her awake.

  "Hey, y/n wake up. I have your books," I whispered.
  "You do?!" She jumped out of bed, almost smacking me in the face, and threw open the curtains, "I need the turquoise one,".

  I passed her the book, surrounded by turquoise crushed velvet. She took it slowly and opened it. In the middle of the first page was a picture of Billie and Wilhelmina in wedding dresses. They both looked stunning and y/n smiled looking at the picture.

  "Do you think you can magic those back or something?" She whispered, never taking her eyes off the picture.
  "Really?" And I waved my hand, making the two dresses appear before us.

  Y/n ran her hands over the fabric and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the house and into a clearing in the forest.
  "We should have it here," she said, walking around the clearing and smiling.
  "I agree. It's nice here," her smile doubled upon hearing my agreement and we got to work setting up for the wedding.

  We had draped fabrics over trees and made an aisle out of wildflowers and petals. It was perfect apart from that we needed the brides.

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