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Billie's POV
We were in the kitchen laughing and smiling when y/n walked in. Michael had just left for the outpost and it was just me and Mina.

"Billie?" She whispered. We hadn't realised she had been stood there until she said that.
"Y/N!" I screamed and ran to her, picking her up and twirling her around in the air. We were both crying.
"Hey beautiful," she giggled and hugged y/n.
"Wait. I'm dead aren't I?" I sighed, looking at us.

Mina and I exchanged looks before understanding what she meant.
"No," I confirmed, "it's all a little bit confusing sweetie but we're all alive,"
"How aren't we dead from radiation?"
"There's a protective barrier around the forest," I whispered, taking her hands and looking into her worried eyes, which visibly relaxed.

"BILLIE!! YOU'RE ALIVE! MUM? YOU'RE ALIVE!!" She screeched, pulling us both in and crushing our ribs in a three way hug. We all cried for a little while and stayed stuck together. We spent the day in the living room on the sofa catching up with everything that had been going on and everything was said that needed to be said.

"But what about the wedding?" Y/n rushed at the end.
"The wedding?" We both asked.
"YOU WERE GETTING MARRIED! REMEMBER?!?!" She yelled, bouncing up and down.
"We were," Billie replied, smiling at Mum.
"No, we are,"she corrected, taking our hands and grinning at Billie.
"You still want to?" Billie whispered, tears forming in her eyes.
"Of course I want to, Billie. I want to spend the rest of my life with you,"

Help Me PART TWO :)Where stories live. Discover now