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Michael's POV
  Once we got to the river, y/n was up the cliff and jumping in. Wilhelmina watched her with utter fear as she dropped from the ledge, but Billie and I were laughing.

  "Your turn," I smirked at the redhead, till staring at y/n.
  "No. You're insane if you think I'm going to do that!" She laughed.
  "I'm being serious,"

  Billie backed up and y/n moved away. I was in trunks and Wilhelmina was in a bikini. Despite that, we were fully dressed. She had baggy jeans on and in that moment I couldn't have cared any less about how the hell she would get them off once they were ruined.

  I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. She was screaming at me and kicking and punching at my body, as I walked her up the cliff.

"Already dead," I laughed, dangling her over the edge.
But I never got to hear what she was threatening me with because I had thrown her off the edge and into the river below.

  After I launched her, I dropped in too. The cool water engulfed my body, giving me a shock. When I resurfaced, I was met with a very pissed off Wilhelmina.

  She grabbed my head in her hands and pushed me below the surface, climbing on my back and preventing me from coming back up for air.

  I felt dizzy and stopped fighting to get her off me. I could hear Billie screaming something and then it all went black.

  When I came around, I saw y/n and Billie looking over me and they seemed worried.

  "Are you OK?" Billie asked, shaking me slightly.
  "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine," I said, getting up and hugging her, "y/n you OK?"
  "Yeah thanks Michael," she smiled.

  "Where's Wilhelmina?" I asked, not being able to see the scary bitch anywhere.
  "She felt bad and went for a walk," Billie said, pointing over to some trees.

  It was hard finding Wilhelmina. She was good at hiding. When I located her, she was sat under a tree, peeling the bark off twigs and still sat in her soggy jeans. I could hear her crying softly and I sat down next to her.

  "Hey," I whispered, pushing some wet hair of her face.
  "You're OK!"
  "Yeah! It's pretty hard to kill a dead guy," I laughed, punching her arm lightly.
  "I'm sorry," she whispered, tears still rolling down her face.
  "Hey, you warned me," she giggled, "and not many people can say they nearly killed Satan's son who's already dead,".
  "Yeah, not many people can say almost anything about the devil's son," she laughed.

  We sat together for a little while in comfortable silence. Her head rested on my shoulder and some of her fiery, red, wet hair stuck to my face.

  "I want to jump off again, but with you this time," she whispered.
  "With me?"
  "Yeah like, jump off together,"

  We stood on the cliff together, and she took me hand in her's.
  "It looks a lot higher up from up here," she groaned, looking over the edge.

  "C'MON MINA!" Billie screamed from below. The woman next to me closed her eyes and backed up, dragging me with her. Without warning, she started running to the end he and we plunged into the water below. We completely soaked Billie, who was sunbathing next to the edge. Wilhelmina gave me an oh shit look, as her wife got up and started advancing towards us.

  "SWIM!" Y/n screamed, motioning us to get away.

Billie jumped in and got on Mina's shoulders.
  "CHICKEN FIGHT!!" Billie yelled, jumping on Wilhelmina.
  "OK!" Y/n agreed, climbing on me.

  We pushed back and forth until Billie fell down into the river. We all laughed and dried her off, giggling about the game.

  The four- sorry, five- of us all walked back to the cottage laughing and smiling. Billie and Wilhelmina went to bed and I tucked y/n in.

  That night, I slept with a smile on my face.

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