The fire within

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1 week later...
Mina's POV
"I'm going out," y/n said, walking into the living room where Billie and I were sat.
"With who?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"My fiancé," she smiled.
"WHAT?!" I screamed.
"Shit I forgot to tell her," the blonde next to me told y/n. But before I could ask anything, y/n was running out of the front door and down the road, Billie followed after.

"Cordelia!" I called upstairs.
"Yes, Mum," she smiled.
"Sweetie, did you know y/n was getting married?"
  "Yes, Mum," she grinned, jumping up and down and nodding frantically.

  "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
  "Y/n made me promise not to," she smiled.
  "Delia, who is y/n marrying?"
  "I can't tell you,"
  "Sweetie, I will get you anything you want if you tell me,"
  "Anything," I smiled, knowing I'd got to her.
  "No, I promised," and then she went back upstairs.

  I sat alone in the living room for an hour before Billie came in the door. I said nothing and neither did she.

  She sat next to me in silence and then y/n walked in holding a girl's hand. I recognised her immediately.

  "Apple?" I frowned.
  "Hi Mrs Howard," she smiled softly at me.
  "You're alive," I smiled.
  "Yeah," she laughed.

  Before she could say anything else, I had my arms around her, squeezing her so tightly I was surprised she could still breathe.

"I missed you," I said, finally releasing her.
"I missed you too," she grinned.

"Wait, you're marrying y/n?" It finally clicked.
"Yeah, I guess I am," they giggled, smiling at each other.
"Well I'm happy it's you, she's marrying,"
"Thank you,"

We spent the night laughing and then Cordelia came down. She hugged Apple and wouldn't leave her alone all night.

"Can we play a game?" Delia asked.
"What did you wanna play?" Billie asked her.
"Everyone up for it?" I giggled. They were.

We played for a little while before it was Billie's turn to ask Delia.
"Truth or dare, Delia?"
"Do you believe in magic?" She asked.
"I have magic!" Delia replied.

"What?" Billie laughed, clearly scared.
"Yeah look,"
"Cordelia," y/n said in a warning tone but she wasn't having it and lit a candle.

We all watched as the little blonde girl focused on the flame and held out her hand. As she did, the fire jumped from the candle and into her palm. She never took her eyes off the fire and we couldn't take our eyes off her.

Billie's hand locked around mine and I could feel her shaking along with me. We watched as the flame grew a little in our daughter's hand. She played with it for a while, making shapes and changing the colour of the flame.

  But then it got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until it was clear that Cordelia couldn't control it anymore.

  "DELIA!" Billie screamed and then we were all burning. I had never been in so much pain. I could see y/n and Apple holding each other's burning bodies. The last thing I remember is Billie saying "I love you" and I said it back as her body fell on mine.

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