Wedding pt2

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Mina's POV
We woke up to y/n jumping on us. Then Michael was dragging Billie out of bed and into his room whilst I was being sat on.
"What's going on?" I asked, watching as Billie was picked up and removed from our room.
"You're getting married today!" She yelled, jumping up and down on me.
"Yeah, you're marrying Billie today!!!" She shouted, grinning from ear to ear.
"Seriously?" I smiled.
"YES!!!" And then she was pulling me off the bed and into her room where she locked the door and put on Lady Gaga.

"Close your eyes," she demanded and I did as I was told. Then she put something heavy in my hands, "OK you can open them again," I saw my wedding dress in my arms and I couldn't help but squeal.

Y/n helped me into the dress and then started on my hair and makeup.

Knock knock.

"Who is it?" Y/n called over the music.
"Me," Michael shouted back.
"OK, you can come in,"

When he pushed open the door, I was shocked. He was in a light grey suit and he looked so happy, it was contagious.

"You clean up quite nicely," I giggled, as y/n finished my hair. She had curled it loosely and pinned some of it up.
"As do you, Wilhelmina," he smiled, walking over to us and examining me. Y/n started to do my makeup lightly and I don't think I had ever looked so gorgeous.

"Billie's all ready for hair and makeup y/n," he said to her and she hugged me from behind, turned off Gaga and left me alone with Michael.

"So, are you ready?"he asked.
"Definitely," I smiled at him. He helped me up from the chair and straightened out my dress.
"You look gorgeous," he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. I snaked my arms around his neck and we stood like that for a while.

"Stop it, you're making me cry already!" I punched his arm lightly and trying to fan away the tears.
"Well don't do that. Billie hasn't seen you yet," we laughed and y/n came into the room.

"She's ready," she whispered, smiling at Michael and me.
"You ready?" He asked me one last time. I couldn't breathe. I just nodded and walked towards the door and y/n slipped her arm around mine.

  Michael ran downstairs and y/n helped me get down with my huge dress. I definitely wasn't thinking practical when I picked it.

  I was escorted outside and down a small path from the house. This was the first time I had actually left the cottage since I had arrived.

  When I got there, my heart evaporated. It was gorgeous. She was gorgeous. I was already crying and Billie ran toward me and cried with me.

  "I get you're emotional, girls. But we should probably get on with this and take pictures before your beautiful faces are completely ruined," Michael laughed from the end of the aisle, which was made up of light purple flowers and petals. Y/n took my arm as Billie ran back up the aisle and waited for me to get to her. Y/n gave me away and sat in front of the three of us.

  We listened to the whole speech without crying or breaking eye contact with each other, unlike y/n, who was quietly crying the whole way through. Once we exchanged vows and rings, it was finally time for Michael to say "you may now kiss the bride" and goddamn we did. I had never kissed anyone so hard in my life and then we were crying again.

  We ran down the aisle together, y/n taking our picture at the end and we all sat under some trees and talked.

  "So, tonight is the night on your wedding day," Michael said, smirking at Billie and me, "and that probably means that you have plans as to what you're doing tonight, if you get what I'm saying," we both went red and giggled a little. I couldn't wait to see Billie without clothing again. I mean, Jesus Christ, it had been over two years!

  "Ewwwww," y/n groaned, scooting away from us and laughing.
  "So y/n and I aren't staying in the house tonight. You have it all to yourselves," I was already wet and I clenched my thighs together, which didn't go unnoticed by Billie as she bit her perfect red lip.

  "Really? Where are we staying?" Y/n asked, clearly having no idea about the arrangement.
  "I've set up tents for the two of us on the other side of the forest so your mums can do whatever they want without having to worry about you,"
"EWWWWWWW," she whined, moving further away from Billie and me so that she was practically sitting on Michael. We all laughed at her and, after a few drinks, we all headed off to our later destinations, where my wife and I had adult hugs until the sun came up.

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