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2 months later...
Michael's POV (Billie is now 8 months along)
I woke up to hear Billie crying in her room.
"We have a problem," Wilhelmina said, coming into my room, "she's early,".
"She's having the baby?"

I ran through into their room and picked Billie up.
"Where are we going?" Wilhelmina asked, holding Billie's hand.
"The tent. I can't have y/n waking up," I whispered as we took Billie downstairs, "can you stand?" I asked the blonde in my arms.

"No," she mouthed.
"Wilhelmina, take Billie to the tent, I need to do something,"
"Yes, I never got to tell her," she understood and took her wife off me.

  I went I to the kitchen and started to write my goodbye to y/n. I told her everything that I never could and then I left it on the fridge.

  I then went upstairs and kissed y/n's forehead lightly. I would never see her again.

  "Goodbye, y/n," I whispered, leaving her room for the last time ever and walking out of the cottage.

  I could hear Billie screaming before I was anywhere near the tent and it was only then that I realised I was well and truly terrified.

  "Hey, shh, you'll be OK, it's all OK," Wilhelmina was saying, holding Billie's hand and crying a little.

  They were sat on the sofa, so I picked Billie up and took her into my room.

  "Right Billie, I need you to focus for me OK?" I said, holding her hands. Sh sniffed and looked at me.

  "Billie, as you know, you're about to give birth to Satan's grandson. This means you'll probably die. But I'm not going to let that happen. I need to kill the baby whist it's inside you, and then you need to give birth to it. Once you do that, I will revive it. Got that? It'll all be OK,"

  "You're sure you can bring her back?"
  "Yes, I promise," I smiled. I could see Wilhelmina watching me from the corner of the room and I motioned for her to come to us.

  I killed the child quickly and then Billie started to push, wasting no time to breathe or cry. She almost passed out twice from a sheer lack of oxygen. Her wife and I had keep reminding her to breathe.

  Finally, after three hours of pushing out a dead baby, I was able to hold her. Billie was asleep in an instant whilst Wilhelmina pushed some hair off her face and kissed her softly.

  "So Billie was right," she smiled, looking at the little girl in my arms.
  "Yeah," I replied, completely amazed by the dead baby in my arms.

  "So this is goodbye," she whispered, hugging me tightly and crying.
  "Yeah, can you promise me something Wilhelmina?" I asked.
  "Of course,"

  "Every day, you make sure Billie, y/n and the baby are loved like there's no tomorrow. You talk to y/n and explain about me and her and you answer any questions she has truthfully,"
  "I promise," she whispered, pulling me closer. I put the baby down and held her back, tears running down my face.

  I kissed her forehead softly and then Billie's and finally, the baby.
  "I love you, little one," I laughed lightly.

  I took the baby and Wilhelmina into the living space and slowly started to transfer my life into the child in Wilhelmina's arms. I could feel myself slowly fading away and just as everything turned black, I felt Wilhelmina's lips on my temple.

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