Wilhemina Venable

267 13 36

Billie's POV
  I woke up with Mina pressed against my side and I started to cry. She had no idea how irritating it was to know she thought I was dead when actually, I was living my best life. Don't get me wrong, I missed her so much and y/n even more (don't tell her that) but I liked not having to worry about work and stuff. It was just so peaceful here and now that Mina and y/n were with me, my life was perfect. I didn't have to worry about anything because Michael promised and I knew he wouldn't let me down.

  It would be a few days before Mina woke up, so I slipped out of bed and went to y/n's room.

  Tears ran down my face when I saw my angel all grown up in bed. I took her warm hand in mine and kissed her forehead. Her face was so soft and I laughed when I realised it hadn't changed at all. A tiny smile was painted on her lips and I giggled, thinking of all the times I caused that smile to show.

  I'm not sure how long I had been sat with y/n, but it must've been a long time. Michael came in with some tea for me and he sat with us for a while, smiling at me occasionally when I saw how happy I was.

  Around 12, I made lunch and took it back upstairs to sit with Mina again. She was so perfect. Her face looked as if angels themselves had sculpted it and her body was immaculate. All the right curves in all the right places. I smirked, thinking about what I was going to do to her once she was awake again and I fell asleep at around two, only being woken up at five by Mina moving a bit.

  I got really excited when she moved, because I thought I would finally have her back, but no, still asleep. Michael said it would happen and that I should just be patient but I knew he was practically dying to see y/n again and that's saying something for a man who was never alive.

  Then I had an awful thought, that what if Mina didn't want me anymore? What is she didn't love me and never wanted to see me again. What if she broke my heart? I needed her to wake up to put my thoughts away, but she never did and I fell asleep thinking about bad outcomes that could potentially happen when my girl woke up.

  Mina moved around a lot in the night and kicked me twice but I didn't mind, I just wanted her to wake up. I giggled when I remembered that she became a professional kick-boxer in her sleep and I wrapped my arms and legs around her's to restrain any further movements that may occur later on in the night.

  I woke up the next morning to Mina moving around a little bit again. I didn't think much of it until I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with a mixture of happiness and fear plastered across her gorgeous face.

  "Good Morning beautiful," I whispered and kissed the top of her head.
  "I'm dead aren't I?" She asked, tears forming in her deep brown eyes.
  "No darling, you're not dead and neither am I. And no, this isn't a dream. I'm really here and so are you," I smiled at her, watching her face soften as she squeezed me tightly.
  "That is complicated. I can't explain it very well so wait an hour or so and Michael will explain everything,"
  "Michael? As in Michael Langdon?"
  "Yes baby, I know you haven't had a great start with him at all, but please trust me when I say he's one of the nicest people I know,"

  "I missed you, Mina," I whispered. I think it was very early in the morning or very late at night because the room was pitch dark.
  "I missed you too, Billie," and then we cried. We cried for a solid hour or so, exchanging "I love yous" constantly, until our words melted together into a mess of love and happiness.

  I had missed Mina.

  "Wait," she said, sitting bolt upright instantly.
  "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
  "Where's y/n?"
  "She's OK. She's in her room asleep, she'll be out for a few days. Michael said after you died, she took the gun that ended you and put a bullet through her head. But he's fixed her and she'll be OK"
  "She killed herself?"
  "Yes. She couldn't cope without you,"

Help Me PART TWO :)Where stories live. Discover now