Chapter 16

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Lily's POV

I lay in my bed with the pregnancy stick in the drawer of my beside table hidden under some things. My thoughts I how I was going to tell Locke were interrupted by a light knock at my door.

"Come in." I called. Mom poked her head in.

"Hey sweetie. I've gotta head back out to run some errands and I won't be back till dinner, neither is your father." I nodded, hoping this was going in the direction I wanted it to. "Can you make dinner and pick up the kids from school?" She asked.

"Yeah. No problem." Mom smiled and left. Yes. I thought to myself. The rest of the day to figure out how to tell Locke.

I waited till I heard mom before going downstairs. It was before lunch so I could take the bus to the school and be there at lunch to tell Locke. I decided on this plan and went back upstairs to get dressed.


The bus pulled up at the bus stop in front of the school. I hopped off and ran inside to the cafeteria. At our usual table I saw Locke sitting with all of our friends. I went over, smiling.

"Lily!" said Locke when he saw me approach. "How are you?" He asked, getting up.

"I'm well. Can I talk to you for a minute?" a worried look came onto his face.

"Of course." Locke followed me outside of the cafeteria and into the hallway. I pulled him into the janitors closet. "What is it?" he asked worriedly. I nervously pulled the pregnancy stick out of my purse and handed it to Locke.

"Is this-" he started. "Are you-"

"Yes" I cut him off. I had tears in my eyes and I could see that he did too. "I don't know what to do." I said truthfully. The small tears of happiness in my eyes became worried, scared tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey." He said softly. "It's ok. We'll figure it out." He pulled me into a hug and I buried my face in his warm, comforting chest. "Why not we tell my mom. She'll be home." I nodded.

"What about school. You have classes." I said, removing my face from his chest.

"F*** school. You and my baby are way more important." I laughed a little and gave a small smile. Locke smiled his bright smile back. "Let me just go get my stuff. I'll meet you at the front of the school."


Locke and I got off the bus and walked to his house. He opened the door and saw Jessie and Rhett sitting at the kitchen counter eating lunch.

"Dad?" Locke said confused. "Why are you home?"

"I came to have lunch with my wife." He replied. "Why are you home?" he asked angrily. Locke hesitated.

"We have some news." He finally said. Rhett and Jessie both looked interested now. "Come sit in the living room." Locke directed. Rhett and Jessie sat down on the couch as Locke and I sat on the couch across.

"As you know, Locke and I were away all night on our one year anniversary." I started.

"Yes." Said Rhett. "And you had sex." He said, knowing where tis was going. I just pulled out the pregnancy stick and handed it to them. They looked at it and then looked up with a mix of emotions in their faces.

"Guys," started Rhett.


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