Chapter 10

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Lockes POV

It was exactly 6:59 when I pulled up in front of Lily's house. I decided I'd wait till we were in the car before I told her I forgot to make the reservation.

I took a deep breath and looked in the rear view mirror one last time before getting out of the car and walking up the driveway. I rang the doorbell and nervously waited.

"Locke! Hi!" Christy exclaimed when she opened the door. "Lily will be right down. Come on in!" I came inside, closing the door behind me.

I looked up at the stairs and saw Lily. She was dressed absolutely beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I probably never would have if Link didn't walk by me and mutter "hands and eyes off."

"Hi." Said Lily.

"Hi." I replied, still amazed by the sight. "You look beautiful Pumpkin." (Forgot to use this for a little!! Sorry!! Do you guys remember? Pumpkin is Locke's nickname for Lily) I said. Link's glare seemed to grows more menacing when I said that, especially when I called Lily Pumpkin. Lily smiled. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. Lily nodded. While I was holding the door open for Lily, Link walked by me and muttered "have her back by 11...and no kissing." Geez. Hold a grudge much.

I closed the door behind Lily and I. Then Lily and I joined hands as we walked down the driveway and into the car. We were now sitting in my old, beat up car and I knew had to tell her about the reservation as much as I didn't want to.

"Lily," I started. "We can't go to Sundance." I confused look crossed Lily's face. "I, uh, I forgot to book the reservation."

"Oh, sweetie. It's ok." She said. She sounded slightly disappointed but was understanding. Although that just made me feel worse about making this stupid mistake. "So, where are we going to go?" I hadn't thought about that.

"I don't know Pumpkin. Where would you like to go?" She thought for a moment.

"Lets go to A&W." Fast food? That's a large step down from Sundance.

"Ok. Sure, if it's what you want."


Lily and I sat down with our burgers, fries and A&W's signature root beer. After we finished eating I pulled out my gift for Lily out of my pocket. "Happy 1 year anniversary." I said with a smile and slid a neatly wrapped box across the table. Lily's eyes were gleaming with happiness and excitement.

"Should I open it now?" She asked.

"Sure, if you want." She nodded. She picked up the box and carefully unwrapped it. After the wrapping paper was off she opened the lid if the box. Lily gasped when she saw the heart shaped, diamond charm necklace in the box.

"Oh my gosh." She said with tears in her eyes. "I love it, thank you." Gingerly, she picked up the necklace out if the box.

"Here. Let me." I walked around the table and stood behind Lily. I took hold of the necklace and clipped it on around Lily's neck. I walked back around and sat back down. Lily was admiring her necklace.

"I got something for you as well." Said Lily.

"Aw. Thank you Pumpkin. You didn't have to."

"I wanted to." She replied. I watched her pull a small box wrapped in silver wrapping paper. She handed it to me and u carefully pealed away the wrapping paper. I opened the lid to the small box and saw a gleaming watch staring back at me. I took it out of the box and put it on.

"Thank you Pumpkin. I love it." I said. "And I love you."

"I love you too." We kissed. "Should we get going?" asked Lily.

"Yeah. Sure." I said. Then I checked my new watch. "Actually we still have lots of time. Your dad said to have you back my 11."

"Oh. Okay. Lets not stay here though. Lets go to the car and decide where to go." I nodded. We through out our garbage then went outside. Lily looked so beautiful with her hair shinning in the moonlight and her dress flowing behind her.

I stopped walking. "Lily." I said. She stopped as well. "I love you so much." I reached our my hand and she reached out hers. Our hands connecting like the love we have.

"I love you too." She said. "More than anything in the world." I wrapped my arm around Lily's waist and pulled her close to me to that our noses were almost touching. Slowly our lips began to grow closer and closer to each other until her warm, soft lips were touching mine, gently at first but then more vigorously. Soon we made out way to the car, our lips still attached, and into the backseat. Lily ran her hands through my thick, brown curls. I slid one of my hands up the soft skin of Lily's thigh, higher and higher under her dress until I reacher her panties. Lily unbuttoned my shirt and ran her hands over my chest while I pulled off her panties. Lily slowly worked her way down to the button of my pants where she ripped them open and pulled them off. That's as far as I'm going guys. It's probably already more than you need to hear. If you want more, I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with you. You may be a peto.

Lily's POV

I woke up the next morning beside Locke with my head resting on his bare chest. We were cuddled together with a small, thin blanket covering are bare bodies. I smiled, remembering the night before.

"Hey Pumpkin." Said Locke groggily. He stroked his hand through my staring, light brown hair. We lay together without speaking for a while. It was nice just being with the one you love in silence and peace.

Locke sighed, breaking the silence. "We should go. Your dad is going to be really mad."

"I know." We sat up, shivering in the cold, and put on our clothes from the night before. Locke kissed me before climbing to the front seat of the car. I climbed up as well and we made are way home.


"Should we go to my house first?" asked Locke. "My parents might be a bit more understanding."

"Yeah. That's a good idea." I rested my head on the window and stared out, watching everything go by. I was dreading having to go home but I knew I had to. Locke was probably dreading it more though.


We pulled up into Locke's driveway after about ten minutes of driving. "Ready?" I asked.


"Me neither." Locke and I got out of the car and walked up the driveway to the front door. Locke opened the door.

"Locke!" I heard Rhett yell. I closed the door behind me and we walked into the kitchen where Rhett and Jessie were.

"Hi dad." Said Locke knowing how much trouble he was in.

"Where were you! We were worried sick! Lily, your parents are too." Said Jessie.

"We're you guys...ya know..." said Rhett. Locke looked down guiltily and I stood behind him. "Locke, Lily," said Rhett knowing the answer was going to be yes. "Did you use protection?"

"No." Said Locke quietly. Rhett shook his head.

"You guys, this is completely inappropriate." Lectured Rhett.

"Do we have to tell my parents?" I cut in. Rhett sighed and looked at Jessie.

"You should, but its up to you." Said Jessie. "Now. Locke and Lily. You are only 16 and 17! You can't be having sex."

"We know." Said Locke. "But-"

"No but's!" said Rhett. "You are not permitted to have sex under any circumstances."

"Yes sir." Locke and I said.

"Ok." He said. "Now you just have to explain to Link and Christy."

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