Chapter 9

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First off, thank you guys so much for 325 reads. I really appreciate it. Its so great to know that there are people enjoying stuff that I wrote. Don't forget to vote and share!!

Second, sorry for the long waits for updates on all my stories!! School just started again so I've been really busy especially with exams in a couple weeks.

Lily's POV

That evening I started getting ready at 4 even thought Locke wasn't going to pick me up until 7. I took one look at my closet, decided it was too much and called Jena.

"Hey. Can you come over?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Said Jena.

"My one year anniversary is tonight. I need help getting ready."

"Ok. I can be there in 15 minutes. Bye."

"Ok. Bye." I hung up the phone and started laying my dresses out on my bed.

"Lily!" I heard Mom call. "Jena's here!" I went downstairs, grabbed Jena and dragged her upstairs.

"Ok." I said exasperated. "I need to wrap his gift, pick my outfit, pick my jewellery, do my hair and do my make up all in..." I looked at the clock on my wall. "2 hours and 43 minutes."

We started with the gift wrapping. "what did you get him?" asked Jena.

"A watch." I pulled out the box and opened it revealing a fancy, silver watch.

"Ohh!" Jena said excited and happy. I wrapped it in light blue (his favourite colour) wrapping paper and tied a silver ribbon around it.

Then Jena and I got up and went to my closet to look through my dresses. "How 'bout this?" Jena held up a off-white, little-past-the-knee length, flowy dress that had a little white rose design on the top right shoulder and a thin, black belt with a silver buckle. Then she pulled a dark grey, almost black, shall over the dress. I was in awe. It was perfect. I nodded my head. I almost had tears in my eyes.

"That's it." I said. "That's the one." I put on the dress and did a little spin for Jena.

"I think that's it." I changed out of the dress so I didn't get it dirty. Then I pulled my jewellery box over and opened up the earring compartment. After about 15 minutes of sifting through different pairs if earrings, I decided on a pair of diamond earrings that had a stud and then a decorative diamond hanging from it. I put them on along with a silver bracelet. Jena then curled my hair and styled it for bring worn down. For my makeup she did a smokey eye look, some reddish-pink coloured lip plumper, a tiny bit of blush and a little bit of concealer to hide some blemishes. (If you haven't guessed already, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't wear make up or dresses or any of that stuff. Actually, I'm allergic to almost anything that goes on your skin. And I'm a huge tomboy.) By the time we were done it was 6:15 so I put my dress back on and fixed my hair once again. At the last minute I grabbed my black clutch (idek what that is. Sorry if its not a kind of purse.) and went downstairs to wait for Locke.

Locke's POV

I sat in the kitchen trying to tie my tie. I didn't usually get dressed up like the but today was special.

"You need some help Locke?" asked Dad. He must have saw that I was struggling. I nodded and walked over to him. He started pulling at my tie to tie and tighten it. "You nervous?" asked Dad.

"Yeah." I responded truthfully. "I am."

"That's ok." Dad said reassuringly. "Whadda get Lily?"

"A diamond charm necklace."

"Nice. I'm sure she'll love it."

"I hope so."

"She will." Dad tightened my tie and adjusted it one last time. "Alright." He said. "Your already to go."

"It's only 6:30." I said. "She lives 30 seconds away and I told her I wouldn't pick her up till 7."

"Ok." Dad replied. "Don't get you suit dirty or wrinkled." He gave me a little pat on the back and went into his office to start writing his next song. After a couple minutes Mom came in. She clasped her hands over her mouth with a gasp. I saw a couple tears well up in her eyes.

"My baby boy." She said. "Going his 1 year anniversary." She sighed. "I can't believe it." I gave Mom a quick side hug. "Where are you taking Lily for dinner?"


"Nice!" she said. "You should check your reservation before you go." Reservation? I didn't book a reservation!

"Mom." I said panicked. "I don't have a reservation."

"Well you better call now and try to book one!" I quickly grabbed the phone and started dialling the numbers.

"Hello." Said a cheerful voice on the other end. "This is Sundance Restaurant. How can I help you.?"

"I'd like to book a reservation."

"Ok. For when?"


"I'm sorry sir. We are all booked for tonight." I hung up the phone on her out of frustration. I started going through my options. I could tell Lily or I could call a bomb threat like that guy, Neil, that dad and Link did a GMM about. I decided I would have to tell Lily. I checked the time. 6:56. I grabbed my cellphone off the table, hopped in the car and drove to Lily's.

I don't have time to finish the rest right now so I'll leave you on this cliffhanger!!!

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