Chapter 15

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Lily's POV

I lay in bed for half an hour formulating a plan to get my phone. I think I finally got it. I have to go downstairs at 10:20am, when dad is at the GMM set and mom is grocery shopping. I think I know where my phone is. It's either in my parents closet or in the cupboard that mom and dad think we don't know about.


I looked at my clock. 10:30am. Perfect. I wandered down the stairs carefully, listening to make sure they were not home. I check out front and both of the cars wee gone. I went to the kitchen. I pulled a chair over to in front of the fridge. I opened the cupboard onto of the fridge then reached to the very back, moving a few things out if my way. I grabbed a small handle and twisted it before pushing it open. I stepped onto my tippy-toes and craned my neck to inside. It was empty. Disappointed with my findings, I went upstairs to mom and dads walk in closet. I started carefully searching under all the clothes. After deciding there was nothing hiding under them I got a chair to search the top shelf, where mom and dad keep a bunch of boxes lined up in a row. I opened the first one and there was nothing inside. The second one had emergency money in it. I put it back, resisting taking a few of the bills. I opened the third box and was at first disgusted, then laughed a little. It was full of condoms, pregnancy test sticks, morning pills and um...well, toys. I excitedly took a pregnancy test stick out of the box and put I t back on the shelf. I was about to leave when I got back on the chair and grabbed a handful of condoms and a pack of morning pills. I heard the front door open downstairs so I quickly put the chair back and ran to my room. I didn't get my phone but I can figure out a way to get it.

I went to my room and lay down on my bed, pulling the covers over me and the stuff I grabbed. I heard a knock at the door so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. The door opened a crack and moms head peered in. After a moment it closed again.

After hearing footsteps go downstairs I got up and went to the washroom. I pulled out the pregnancy stick and went to the washroom on it. I placed the stick on the table while I washed my hands. All I had to do now was wait.


I heard a little noise from the pregnancy stick and looked at it excitedly. Positive. I didn't know if I should smile or not but I did. I'm having a baby with the man I love and he doesn't even know. I placed my hand on my stomach and gingerly rubbed it. I was smiling, but tears were silently rolling down my cheeks. What am I going to do.

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