Chapter 29

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5 years later

Lily's POV

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard Elsie yell from the top of the stairs. Mt two little, now 5 years old girls came running down the stairs.

"Careful!" I warned as they ran around the unpacked boxes that covered our kitchen in our new home. Destiny and Elsie stopped in front of me.

"Guess what!" Destiny said excitedly.

"What is it?" I asked while unpacking dishes.

"Our room has a secret hideout!"

"Wow!" I said, trying to sound as excited as possible.

"Wanna come see?" Asked Elsie?

"I'm unpacking right now but I'm sure Daddy would love to see it."

"Okay!" She responded and the two girls ran off to find Locke. I sat down at the dining room table and looked at the stacks of boxes around me. I sighed, thinking about how much work it was going to be to unpack. 6 years ago, before Locke and I started dating, I would have never thought that I would be here. I'm living with the man I love and my two children in a beautiful house that we bought using the money we made from jobs we got from completing university. We didn't exactly do this the traditional way, but we're just happy 21 and 22 year olds raising a family just like anyone else.

I heard a loud noise upstairs so I went up the the room that Elsie and Destiny are sharing to investigate. I walked into to find a bookcase toppled over in front of little cove that Locke, Elsie and Destiny were sitting in.

"Wow. It's cozy in here." I said, pulling back the blanket that was creating a door to the little, cave-like room.

"Hey Pumpkin." Said Locke.

"Why not we clean this up and then go out for pizza?" Elsie and Destiny nodded and all three of them got out to help stand the bookcase back up and place the books on it.


"Ahh." I said, laying down in bed beside Locke. "I think that was a pretty good first day in the new house, girls are happy."

"Yeah." He agreed. He then moved to on top if me and placed a long, lingering kiss on my lips that made me smile.

"Locke." I whispered while his face was still close to mine.

"Yeah?" He replied. I felt his warm, comforting breath on my face.

"I want another baby." I said. (Don't worry, I'm not going in depth or in detail for the next part.)

"So do I." He replied. I placed my lips on his again and we kissed for a long time. We then broke apart and started undressing eachother. We pressed our warm bodies together and continued kissing. I moaned slightly when Locke entered me. (K...that's enough. You get the idea.)


3 weeks later

I left work early and stopped at the drug store to pick up some pregnancy test sticks. I wanted to have the results before Locke came home so that I could surprise him. I excitedly took the pregnancy test to the washroom and peed on 4 of them. Then, I waited. Eventually all 4 of them displayed a little plus sign. I bit my lip excitedly and looked at my watch. Locke should be home with the girls any minute.


I heard the front door open and ran downstairs. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I kissed Locke as he entered the house and said hello to Elsie and Destiny.

"Why not you two go play in your room for a little bit?" I suggested. They agreed and ran upstairs. I turned to Locke and looked at him excitedly. "I'm pregnant!" I said happily, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Oh my gosh!" Said Locke. "This is amazing and feels way better than last time I found out!" I giggled.

"This time, it's planned." I said.

"I something I want to ask you." Said Locke. He got down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket. I gasped and brought my hands to my face. "Lillian Grace Neal will you marry me?" I nodded with tears of joy streaming down my face. Locke slid the ring on my finger and we kissed happily.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too, Pumpkin."

Okay guys. Should I end it here or keep going? Your choice! Vote in the comments.

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