Chapter 31

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Hey guys!!! I don't know how many of you even have my books in your library anymore, but I'm going to keep writing!!! I might end some of my fanfictions but I haven't decided which ones so stay tuned for more details!! Now to enjoy the story...

2 weeks later

Locke and I have been planning our wedding for a while now with the help of our parents, and Elsie and Destiny, of course.

We were trying to decide between getting married at a church or outside at a farm and then going inside a bard for dinner and the party. We decided on the barn because we both love the outdoors so much and it's going to be so beautiful.
"How about this one?" Locke asked as he showed me some sample fabrics for the tablecloths and napkins. We were sitting at our kitchen table, just like almost every night since we got engaged, picking things for our wedding. There is so much to do and we haven't even made a dent.

"I like the flower lace pattern tablecloth more. It goes better with those napkins and the curtains." I held up a sample piece of the tablecloth I wanted and a piece of the curtain, which was the same fabric as the napkins.

"I really think this one is better..." Said Locke.

I sternly replied "but I don't like that one."

"Daddy!!!" Elsie called from the living room where she was playing with her sister. "That's mommy's mean voice. You better listen." We both started giggling at Elsies warning.

"How about we move on to the date. I'll go to the barn website and we'll see what they have available" I nodded in agreement. "Okay, it's January 3rd and we need at least 4 or 5 months to plan, so anytime after May?" He asked.

"I want to get married before we have a newborn." I said.

"I agree." He looked at the computer screen. "We can do anytime in May, June, July, August or September."

"I don't want to be too pregnant during my wedding because I've been through pregnancy before it's not fun near the end. So maybe June or July."

"How about July? The kids will be out of school then."

"Sounds perfect." I smiled and Locke leaned over the table to kiss me. "But early July so that it's not too hot." Locke chuckled.

"Okay. I'll see what they have." He looked at his computer screen. "There's Saturday July 2nd, Monday July 11th, Thursday July 28th and Sunday July 31st."

"What do you think about July 2nd?"

"I think it's perfect."

"Great! Let's book then" Locke nodded and happily booked the date for our wedding.

"We should get the invitations started" He said after booking the date.

"Okay." I agreed.

We spent the next 5 hours, only stopping once to put Elsie and Destiny to bed, designing invitations, printing them, folding them and putting them in envelopes. We didn't write on the envelopes yet because we haven't made a guest list but we knew the limit of how many people, 50. So that's how many invitations we made. 

"We should go to bed." Locke said.

"Why not we start the guest list first?"
"Alright." He said. We moved from the kitchen table to the couch with a notebook and a pen for the guest list.

"So our parents, Lincoln, Lando and Shepherd." I said, writing the subtitle ''Family'' and putting their names.

"Our aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents." Locke added for the Family list. I wrote all of their names.

"Is that all for family?" I asked.

"I think many are there?"

"19." I replied.

"Okay. Let's start on friends then." I wrote the subtitle ''Friends''.

"Should we invite the GMM crew?" I asked. Locke nodded. They were a big part of our lives growing up.

"Okay. I want to invite Devon, Jordan, Calvin, Sam and Will from university. And Frankie, Hugh and Alvin, from high school." Locke said. I nodded and wrote their names.

"What about your best man?"

"Umm..." He thought. "Alvin, I've known him since elementary school." I wrote "Best Man" beside Alvin's name. "Who do you want to invite?" He asked.

"Well, Annalise, Julie, Ester and Riley I've known since elementy school, oh and we met Kally and Mindy in high school. And Laurin, Phoebe and Sandra from university." I thought about who I would make my bridesmaids. "How many bridesmaids can I have?" I asked.

"I think 4 or 5." Locke said. I sighed. I loved all of my friends so much. We all had so many memories and loved eachother so much.

"Okay." I said, confirming my decision in my head. "Annalise, Julie, Ester and Riley will be my bridesmaids. I've known them the longest." I wrote their names down.

Locke and I then added more and more people until we had 50.


I yawned and looked at the time. We had just finished making the guest list. I turned on my phone to check the time and was surprised when it said 12:57am.

"We need to go to bed." I said. "We have to get up and go to work and get the kids to school." Locke yawned in agreement. We put our wedding planning stuff away and went upstairs to bed.

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