Chapter 1

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January 2019 (Lily's 16, Locke's 15, Lincoln's 14, Shepherd's 12 and Lando's 10)

Lily's POV

I sat on my bed doing homework on the computer while listening to music. My phone beside me started to ring so I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey Lily. It's Locke." I straightened up. Locke is called me?! I mean, he's done it before but, yay! He wants to talk to me! I thought.

"Oh. Hey." I said calmly. Be cool. Be cool.

"So...I was wondering if you wanted to, uh, get pizza sometime." I was screaming inside. He just asked me out! Oh my god, what do I do. "Lily? You there?"

"Oh, yeah. I would love to! When?"

"After school tomorrow?"

"Sure. I'll meet you outside the school."

"Ok. Great. Well, uh, I'll see you then!"

"Ok! Bye!"

"Bye." Oh. My. God. Locke
McLaughlin just asked me out. I don't even know what to do with myself. I remembered I would have to tell dad I'd be home late so I ran downstairs.
"Hey dad." He was eating an apple at the kitchen table while researching for tomorrow's GMM

"Hey." He said as I walked in.

"I was wondering if it would be ok if I went for pizza with a friend tomorrow."

He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. "Which friend?" He put his glasses back on.

"Jena." I replied. I chose a friend that he knew and trusted.

"What time will you be back?" He asked.

"I'm taking the bus, so at the latest 4:30."

"Ok." He took a bite of his apple. I couldn't wait. Tomorrow I was going on, I guess. It sounded so weird to say. And it seemed so weird. I never thought Locke and I would go out. I've known him for as long as I can remember and I always felt a connection, a special feeling that you only get with one person, that I think he felt too.

I went back upstairs to finish my homework but I couldn't concentrate so I started texting Jena.

To Jena:
Hey! You'll never guess what just happened to me!! 🙈

From Jena:
Are you playing peek-a-boo with a monkey?

To Jena:
Ugh. You ruin everything. Maybe I won't tell you.

From Jena:
No! Tell me!

To Jena: me a chocolate bar?

From Jena:
Yeah, yeah. I'll buy you a cookies and cream Hershey's bar.

To Jena:
Haha. You know me so well.

From Jena:
Well tell me!

To Jena:
Fine, fine. Locke asked me out!

From Jena:
Omg! Really?!

To Jena:
Yeah. He called me and asked if I wanted to go get pizza after school tomorrow. Btw, if my dad asks, you loved the pizza you got with me.

From Jena:
Seriously? Blame it on me. Why not.

To Jena:
I had to choose someone he trusted!!

From Jena:
He doesn't trust Holly?

To Jena:
Does anyone trust Holly?

From Jena:
Haha. True. Well I'm happy for you! He's so sweet

To Jena:
I know. I can't wait.

From Jena:
I have to go to swimming. See you at school.

To Jena:
Ok. Bye.

I still couldn't get over the fact that I was going out with Locke. Wait a minute. What if Rhett knows? He could tell dad. I quickly texted Locke.

To Locke:
Hey! I was just wondering if your dad knew about this.

From Locke:
Yeah, but he promised to not tell your dad. Don't worry.

To Locke:
Ok. Thank you. Can't wait for tomorrow!

From Locke:
Me neither.

To Locke:
I've got to go, so I'll see you tomorrow!

From Locke:
Ok. See you.

I lay in my bed for a moment. Dinner was going to be ready soon but I didn't want to sit and eat. I wanted to run and jump around. I was just so happy there was no words to explain it.

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