Chapter 2: 'I'm Niall, Niall Horan, from One Direction'

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Being hit had felt like being ran over by a bus but in reality it was much more minor. What got me out of the pain was those two, sea blue eyes.

"Are you okay, love?" The boy asked with a very worried tone and distinct Irish accent.

"I-I-I don't really know..." I started to say trying to lift myself up off the ground.

"Here, let me help you. You have quite a bump on your head and you hit your bum pretty hard as you fell," with that he lifted me up with his strong arms and got me to me feet. He still had his left arm around my waist.

"I'm Niall, Niall Horan, from One Direction. You are bound to have heard of me," he said smiling and his blue eyes glowing.

"Yes, actually I have. I love your music by the way. Oh, and my name is Chloe Kirby," I couldn't believe who I was talking to. In reality I had the biggest crush on him. I liked all the boys, but I especially liked Nialler for some reason.

He stared into my eyes for about 30 seconds, while biting his bottom lip. I could tell he thought I was pretty, but in reality I saw myself just as average as anyone else. He still had his arm around me. I didn't know what to do. Was I suppose to kiss him? Leave? Take his arm off my waist? Of course I wanted to savor the moment but I was in shock at the same time! 

"Uhh, umm, well do you wanna come get a coffee or something with me? I'm buying!" Niall said breaking the silence.

"Sure! I'd love too! Thank you!" I replied.

"No problem, Chloe," with that he took his hand away from my waist and grabbed my hand instead. We then proceeded down the street. The Starbucks was now just a half mile away. I couldn't help but keep looking down at our hands. I wasn't able to think about anything else, but the fact that Niall Horan, from One Direction, was holding my hand! He was just so amazing in every sense of the word! In the inside I was fangirling a bit, but just by looking at me you couldn't tell. Since I was practically in dream-land I almost ran into a street-post now and again. Niall would always dodge me out of the way of them though. He was too sweet. He didn't even seem to care that I was paying no attention to anything. I guess you could say I was 'living in the movement'.

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