Chapter 27: Don't Be Jealous, Okay?

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Chloe's POV:

As Niall and I get downstairs and to the kitchen where Zayn is, I hear a door open and then see Harry come into the kitchen, where we all were. His eyes are red and puffy... He's been crying... My heart suddenly starts to ache for him. I realize he feels horrible and I just can't take it anymore. I do not like seeing him so upset like this!

I let go of Niall's hand and run over to Harry. I then wrap my arms around his waist and burrow my head into his chest. This takes Harry by surprise, but he hugs me back and lays his head on mine. About thirty seconds pass and I lift my head up. I tell Harry that I forgive him and to not cry anymore. He nods and we slowly break apart. I then give him a light kiss on the cheek and return to Niall. Niall gives me a weak smile, but I can tell he's frustrated. Once I see him look back at Curly, I grab both sides of his face and kiss him.

"Don't be jealous of Harry and I's friendship Niall, I'm still your's forever. Remember that," with those words get up and grab both Niall and Harry's hands and lead them to the dining-room table. Next we take our seats and Zayn brings out the food, he's smiling at all of us with his adorable smile. He is obviously proud of his newly prepared breakfast! Once he sets the foods down, he takes his seat. Our seating arrangement are the same as last time, but surprisingly this time it isn't as awkward!

Once we say grace I immediately dig in. I might have been a little too anxious, but I was just so hungry. I then find all three boys looking at me and starting to laugh! I quickly get red as a tomato and blush uncontrollably. I look down as my lap and stop eating.

"Oh come on, Chloe. You know we were only laughing at you because you're so adorable. No harm done. Now come on and eat again," Harry says while grabbing my hand and flashing me his legendary cheeky grin that always stole me heart.

"Yeah Chloe! You don't want my amazing cooking going to waste now do ya?!" Zayn said while smiling over at me. Niall just nodded in agreement with the other boys. I knew he was feeling a bit weird with Harry holding my hand and all. Once I looked up at Zayn and Harry I also took Niall's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. This made Niall grin and I know it made him instantly feel better.

A little while later, after we've cleaned up everything, I excuse myself because I need to use the bathroom. Niall and Zayn are fine with that but Harry just stares at me. It's a little strange, but I ignore it and make my way to the loo.

When I'm there and have done my business, I check myself in the mirror. I look horrid! I'm wearing no make-up or anything and I look horrible...! There's nothing I can really do though. So I should just ignore it, the boys think I'm fine this way anyway. I don't have any with me and the boys I know have none either.

That's when suddenly I get brought out of my thought because someone is knocking on the bathroom door. I slowly grab the handle and open it just a foot or two.

That's when I see him, looking down at the ground and with his hands in his pockets... What is he going to do this time?

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