Chapter 23: Harry... No.

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Once we make it to the car Niall gets in the drivers seat and I sit in the back with Harry. I have to make sure he keeps himself safe back here and even as Niall begins to drive Harry is STILL crying. Finally I give-in to him and help him and comfort him.

I take his seatbelt and strap him in, then I do the same to myself. After this I put my arm around him, pull him closer to me, and tell him that I do forgive him, but once we get home and he sobers up, we're having a talk. This quiets him down and he snuggles into my chest, he also raps his arms around my waist. I can tell he feels very bad about what he did, but feels very safe being with me. Why do I still have to have some minor feelings for this boy?!

While we drive I start to play with Harry's curls. I also spot Niall looking back at me through the rear view mirror a couple times. I can tell he's jealous and doesn't want me getting too cozy with Harry back here.

Finally we make it home and I find Harry has fallen asleep on my lap! He looks adorable even if he's drunk. I whisper in his ear a little seductively that we're home and he needs to wake up. I don't know why this boy makes me so flirty when I'm with him! I guess you could say its hard not to be... Anyway I get out of the car first and run around to the other side of it and help Harry out. Once he's on his feet he falls into my arms and we almost fall on the ground. If Niall wouldn't have been there to catch me I know the ground is where we would have ended up.

After Niall makes sure I'm okay, he starts walking in front of Harry and I. He really does trust me and I love him for that. Once we start walking to the door Harry catches me off guard and grabs my hands from behind and intertwines his fingers in mine... Like old times. This makes me a little uncomfortable, since his chest is to my back, but there's nothing I can really do about it. At least he's sobering up a bit now and is coming to his senses... I think anyway... I'm just not sure now what'll happen when I talk to him... This could turn out for the better or for the worse... I'm a little scared to see what's going to happen! This boy turns me on every time I'm around him! And I turn him on every time I'm around him! That's not good! Finally we get to the front door and walk inside.

I tell Zayn and Niall that I'll be back but I need to get Harry to his room, get him cleaned up, and talk to him. The boys look at each other and then at me... Finally they agree with what I said and I take Harry to his room. Once I close the door behind Harry, Harry grabs my waist and pushes me up against the wall... This is SERIOUSLY not happening!

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