Chapter 35: Lovely Surprises

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Hours pass by so quickly and as soon as I know it, it's already 1:30pm! I quickly clean myself up and brush my hair, stuff like that. Before now I had also spent a little time comforting Harry even though it really hurt me to see him like that. He was still my best friend though, that was one thing that wasn't going to change. And I told him that, it did help him a bit by knowing that. When I would talk about things like that he would give me a little half smile, but you could see it still hurt him...

Anyway, finally Niall comes into the house! I see that he has open arms so I jump into them! We share a magical kiss, in the living-room. Thankfully Harry was in his room so he couldn't see us and he wouldn't have to feel more pain. I'd have to explain everything that happened, to Niall, later anyway! 

"I missed seeing your beautiful face, Chloe! I know it's only been about a day, but it feels like so much longer!" Niall says while letting me down, but still keeping his strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"I know! I missed you too! We have a lot to talk about, but first I wanna know what this huge surprise is you have waiting for me!" I say with a grin.

"Oh, yeah! I almost forgot about that!" Niall said sarcastically which made us both laugh.

Niall then grabbed my hand and walked me out the back door that led to the back patio. This also gave you a view of the whole property! It was so beautiful! Then, there to the left I noticed Louis, Liam, Zayn, and even Harry grinning at me. Harry must have quickly pulled himself together just for me. He really was an amazing boy!

As I was saying though, the boys were all wearing their best clothes, I could tell. This made me smile even more.

"We have to blindfold her!" Louis shouted with a big cheeky grin on his face. Even though I'd never met the lad, he seemed like an interesting guy.

Niall gave me a look, but I nodded and agreed that it was okay if they did blindfold me. With that Liam slipped the blindfold he had out of his pocket and gave it to Niall, who wrapped it gently around my head.

"You can't see... Right?" Zayn asked politely.

"Nope. Not a thing!" I replied. I could hear all the boys snicker, I couldn't hear Harry though. 

Next Niall grabbed me by the waist gently and started leading me somewhere. I actually had no idea where we were going because for one, I'd never even been in their backyard! So this was all new to me.

"Why must I be blindfolded?!" I ask with a bit of agitation.

"Because it's a surprise of course!" Niall said softly, but with enthusiasm. This didn't give me any new information that I didn't already know, but I just went with it. They wouldn't do anything too bad anyway! Niall was here! Plus, I already knew they were very sweet guys!

"Watch your step, Chloe!" Niall said while guiding me. We were going up a few steps now... Where in the world were we going?! This was kinda weird, but it was a surprise after all.

"Okay! Finally! We're here!" I could hear Louis shout from behind Niall and I.

"Boys, get in position! Chloe, you can take off the blindfold now," with Niall's words I slowly took off the blindfold and what I saw was amazing!

We were in a flower garden and Niall and I were in a gazebo! The flowers were surrounding the whole structure! Also, Liam and Harry were to the left, while Louis and Zayn were to the right of the path we must have walked on to get here. The boys then started singing Little Things, while Niall took my hand. In the gazebo was a picnic set-up on the floor of it. There was even a vase full of flowers in the middle! This was too romantic! He led me to the spot and we sat down. I kept glancing at Harry though, he was singing, but he still looked heart-broken... He saw me looking over at him and gave me a little reassuring grin that told me I should enjoy myself... So that's what I was going to do! Niall had worked so hard on this and it was beautiful! 

After the boys sang their song they all ran somewhere were I could no longer see them, I just now kept my attention focused on Niall. This was our afternoon to spend together! Just ours.

"Niall, you really out did yourself! You didn't have to do all this! But it's truly amazing! Like a dream!" I said grinning stupidly. The sunlight shined on all of Niall's features and made him look even more handsome.

"Yes I did! You mean so much to me now, Chloe! I truly love you!" With these words Niall moved closer to me and put one hand on my waist, while the other made its way to my neck. That's when he started leaning in and so did I... Let's just say I will never forget that kiss for the rest of my life! You can just imagine what it was like! ;)

Once we finished eating, we just talked, and talked, and talked! There was so much to say! Like, what we wanted to do in the future, how many kids we both wanted, what bands we liked, and just everything! Literally... Everything! I even told him about earlier with Harry. The good thing about Niall was that he actually understood me! He knew how much pain I went through to even say those things to Harry and all the pain Harry had put me through in the past! How did I get this lucky and find a boy as understanding as Niall?! Thanks to a kid who didn't know how to watch out for people on a bicycle, that's how! Crazy, but that's how I found the love of my life!

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