Chapter 33: I Really Had Missed Him All Along

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After the movie was over I told Harry I needed some sleep. He said he himself was getting tired too. Right before I started making my way to Niall's room, Harry grabbed my hand.

"How about you come sleep with me in my room. We won't "do anything" I swear. And plus I don't want you to be lonely tonight!" Harry said with his big green puppy-dog eyes. I did have to admit I would be pretty lonely in there, but what would Niall think when he got home? I don't want him to think Harry and I have something going... Ugh. 

"Harry... I really shouldn't. When Niall gets home, what will he think?!" I asked Harry while we now held each others hands. He was now off the couch and standing about two feet away from me.

"He's bound to be staying the night at Lou's! It's already 12:30am anyway. Now please Chloe? Everything will be okay! Don't worry! I'll keep to safe!" After Harry said this he started leading me to his room, not waiting for me to reply or argue.

I guess this was okay though. Harry swore we wouldn't "do it" because as I said before I'm waiting till I'm married and both Niall and Harry had and have always respected that! I just hope Niall doesn't show up and find Harry and I in bed together! That just wouldn't give off the right signals! He'd for sure get the wrong idea!

Finally I'm taken out of my train of thought because Harry and I are at his door. Harry soon opens it and let's me in first, he is such a gentleman. He then follows, right behind me.

"Chloe, do you have any pajamas?" Harry asked politely.

"Uhhh, no actually. I've been wearing Niall's clothes or just mine, while I've been here," I reply with a little sorrowful look on my face for some reason.

"Well, you can wear a pair of my sweatpants and one of my hoodies! Like the old days!!! Here!" Harry said with a huge smile on his face as he gave me his clothes. I smiled back and went to the bathroom that was in his room, to change.

It had been so long since I wore anything of his. Once I got the clothes on I felt right at home. It was weird. It was like I had missed the feeling of his clothes on my body. The smell of his aftershave. The feeling of his curls brushing against my face when we were close to each other. But most of all I missed his smile and now that I was seeing it again, it made me feel, I guess you could say, honored that it was me who was making him smile!

"I miss seeing you in my clothes, Chloe. You look so perfect," Harry said softly, while making his way towards me, as I stepped out of the bathroom. He had some dark green sweatpants and his legendary "Hipsta Please" tee-shirt on.

"Thank you, Curly! I think I kinda miss being in them too," I confessed. Harry smiled and finally reached me. 

He then proceeded to put his right hand in my hand and I still felt comfortable with all that was going on.

"Come on. You look tired! How about we get some sleep, yeah?" Harry said while giving me a cheeky grin. I nodded my head and he led me to the bed. We then got under the covers. Without even thinking, I snuggled into Harry's chest and he put his arms around my waist. I could smell his aftershave and cologne and it made so many memories come rushing through my head again... I think I actually missed being with Harry Edward Styles...

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