Chapter 22: A Drunken Curly...

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When Harry and I were kids Harry's cheeky side would always come out and he was usual getting into trouble a lot.

One time he was so depressed that he decided he was going to illegally go and try to buy some beer. He ended up getting his hands on some and drank so much that he became unconscious! At this time his parents were in the Bahamas and it was only Harry and I at his house. I didn't know what to do! Harry was sitting there on the couch and I couldn't wake him up! I was terrified! I knew I couldn't call for help because he would be caught and would get in a heaps load of trouble! Mostly because he was underage... So I waited it out and Harry finally woke up.

Once he did he was acting very weird. He was stumbling all over the place and was even trying to kill himself! This wasn't like Harry and he was scaring me! Eventually I dropped to the floor crying because I couldn't take it anymore. Harry then, finally, came to his senses. He ran over to me and told me he was so sorry and would never scare me or drink like that again... Ever...

As this thought came rushing through my mind Niall and Zayn were looking at me very strangely. I needed to find Harry... And fast! Who knows what he'll do if I don't get to him soon!

I turn to Niall and tell him I need to go to that bar. Niall stands with a puzzled look on his face for a few moments, obviously thinking, and then gets his keys. Once we get to the door I tell Zayn to stay here and call us if Harry comes back home before we do. Zayn agrees and Niall and I make our way out to the car.

Once we start driving I explain to Niall why I have to get Harry out of that bar and have a talk with him. After I tell him everything Niall picks up speed and we're at the bar in a matter of minutes. I then get out of the car and run inside. The smell of alcohol enters my nose and starts to make me feel a bit dizzy. I know I have to get Harry and get both of us out of here or he won't be the only one in trouble. That's when I finally find him, drunk as a sailor on his birthday, creating quite a commotion in the bar. I swear you could have heard him from a mile a way.

Once I reach Harry I slap him in the face. He told me he'd never get drunk like this. Depressed or not, he promised he'd never do it!

Harry then turns round and realizes the person who slapped him was me. After he realizes this, he must have remembered that day a year or so ago because he starts tearing up and is saying "I'm sorry" over and over again to me. I ignore him, grab his arm, and practically drag him to the car. He's so drunk he's delusional and can barely walk without help. I can't believe Harry would do this to me. If he really did still love me... He would have at least kept his promises.

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