Chapter 34: Serious Talks

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The next morning after another day of just spending time with Harry and yet another movie-night, I found myself in Niall's bed. Harry must have taken me here last night when I fell asleep watching a movie. I think I've finally made up my mind though about who my true love is though! I may miss the other boy, but I want him to know he'll always be in my heart! I just have to talk to both Niall and Harry. 

Once I lift myself up in an upright position I find that Niall was here! He left, but he left me a note! 

On the piece of paper it said, 'Hey Lovely! I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up, it's just I have a huge surprise for you that Louis and Liam have been helping me plan! Zayn and Harry know about it too, but don't try getting anything out of them, I want you to be surprised! Meet me outside, in the backyard, at around 2pm? Love You Forever Chloe! Don't forget it... You're mine! ;) -Love Niall 

I think my heart skipped a beat! Niall had a surprise!? For me?! That was too sweet! Niall was truly amazing! 

Anyway, I changed into some of Niall's clothes and slipped the note in my pocket. Right now it was about 9:25am so I had a good amount of time before I had to meet Niall. I needed to talk to Harry ASAP though!  

Soon I found myself downstairs looking around for Harry. I find him in the living-room, asleep on the couch. I don't understand why he was there and not in his room, but right now was not the time for questions! I had to wake up Curly and talk to him and get him off his lazy bum! 

"Harry! Harry! Wake up! We need to talk!" I say practically jumping on him. 

"Wha-? Chloe, what the bloody hell are you doing? I was sleeping!" Harry said groggily.  

"Yes, I know and I'm sorry it's just... We need to talk, and I'm sure you know what about," I say in a serious but nervous tone, I was hardly ever serious with Harry unless we were, say, kissing or something... 

"Okay, let's talk then. What's on your mind?" He asked while grabbing ahold of my hand. I could tell by the look in his eyes he was scared. He knew what we were going to talk about and he didn't want to face the music. 

I proceeded to tell him I loved him, but I loved Niall too and if I had to pick one, which I did, I would have to go with Niall. I explained that Niall was a new start for me, that he actually saved my life the day I got hit by that bicycle. Without Niall I could have went unconscious and not woken up! Niall was like my guardian angel!  

As I spoke, Harry loosened his grip on my hand. I think I even saw a few tears running down his cheeks. It killed me to see him this way. He had been the love of my life for so many years! I could tell he understood, though. 

"Harry, you know I'll always love you and you'll always be in my heart! And it's not like I'm leaving! I'm still here! I promise I'm not going anywhere! I love you, Harry, always have and always will!" As I said this to him he looked up at me with red, puffy eyes. 

"I know, Chloe and trust me, I'll always love you! I always have! And to be honest with you... You are perfect for Niall! He adores you! I can see the way he looks at you and how protective he is over you. You mean the world to him! I'll always be here for you though, Chloe! I'll always be your shoulder to cry on, the one you come to for advice. I promise, I'll always be here!" Harry said taking ahold of my hand again. He sounded a little shaky, but I knew he was trying to be strong. He couldn't help, but lose a few tears though... 

We sat together on the couch for a few more minutes. It still hurt me because the one I knew as Curly was still crying! I gently pulled him into my lap and stroked his dark/light brown colored curls (this always calmed him down). As we looked into each other's eyes I knew what I had to do. I just had to do it! I had to kiss Harry Edward Styles good-bye for one final time.  

I began to move my head closer to his and he moved his up. Together we shared maybe one of the saddest kisses ever. It almost felt painful kissing him. Knowing this was our final kiss made my heart sting... Him and I had made so many memories together, now they were just flying away... I would always love Harry, but Niall meant just that much more to me... My heart had always been sold to just one boy, and that boy was Niall James Horan.

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