02:48 am

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"Why you keep apologizing bruh?!" Saint pulled back from me, he look so angry and his skin was hot to the touch. "Aint shit for you to apologize for bruh." He pulled me back into a hug angrily, smushing my body to his naked chest, his heart beating fast like a horse running.

"He really never wanted me- you were so right!" I wailed all over again. "How could I be so stupid? What am I going to tell my mom!" Feeling my face swollen from my eye to my lip, I knew bruises were next.

Saint just sucked his teeth shaking his head while rubbing my hair in a cold silence.

"Hell nah bruh." I heard him mumbled to himself, probably just thinking to himself. Looking up at Saint to see what he meant I froze just gazing at him and even under all these outrageous circumstances along with that angry ass expression stuck on his face - The fact that He still cared made me so happy inside.

"Yo momma home?" He asked trying his hardest not to look at me once he pulled back.

Sadly I shook my head yeah, looking at the ground.
"What Ima do Chauncey?"

He let out a long breath of air, shrugging his shoulders.

"You know Im bouta kill him right." He said almost a bit to calmly. His placidity almost made me scared. "It was Javier aint it?" His voice became a bit shook up as he swallowed hard.

Slowly I said yes and Saint 'tsk' his mouth. "Told you leave his bitch ass alone!" Chauncey yelled getting Nose to nose with me. "Look at you bruh." He closed his eyes squeezing his fist tightly.

Silently I cried, playing with my finger tips.

"Come inside bruh... put some ice on your face." His voice continued to be mellow dramatic. Climbing in his window, saint told me to meet him at the back door. Nodding ok I turned slightly left to the back door slowly making my way there as if someone could hear me.

"You good?" I could hear saint come from the door frame.

"Yeah, just a bit sore." I mumbled biting my lip tasting the metallic from the blood out the side of my lip.

Lifting me up suddenly, shocked I snapped my neck to his face.

"My bad." He looked down at me, before going into his house and through the Kitchen to his room that was just down a small hallway. Thankfully Saints room was the only room that was on this floor, his mom an dads was on the second floor on the opposite side of the house so they couldn't hear a thing from over here.

Once we got into his room he closed the door behind us smoothly with his foot then setting me on his bed.

"I wanna help" I suddenly spit out, saint giving me a plain daze.


Turning from me he went to the kitchen, what I could only assume was for ice. the couple minutes he was gone, I decided to just close my eyes and breath. I wasn't lying about what I said. I wanted to help kill Javier- I'm sick. I cant believe I let a high school relationship get like this... if I just never had sex with him.

"Whatever." I spoke to myself. Whats done is done, now I have to figure out what ima do.

"I should go kill him now." Saint came in the room fuming since he had time to wonder about it.

"You cant do anything without me."

"You not gunna do shit Mora." He spat at me sitting on his bed opposite to me angrily, holding on to an aspirin, three bags of frozen goods and a sack of an Icepack. "Close yo eyes bruh." He let out through his nose.

Warily doing what he said I closed my eyes, laying back relaxed. Carefully Saint laid the icepack on my right side of my face and a bag of peas on the left.

"This all we had, got some more ice in there so we good." He mumbled lowly, his voice serious sounding.

"What are you thinking?" I tried my best to speak under the peas bag.

"At this point Im thinking graduation day Ain't gunna see me." He 'tsk.' An I could hear him pull a chair up to the bed. Next I could feel the next two bag of whatever on my torso.

Nodding my head slowly I began to cry again. "Please Don't Saint." My words came out a bit sloppy. "Not for me- in not worth it." My tears streamed down harder. Feeling saint pull my head into a gentle hug he moved the ice packs Placing a kiss at my temples.

"I apologize so much for saying that to you Xamora, you Know I love You! I just wanted to see you do better than him! I ain't think the nigga would take it this far! Ain't no way I can just sit back and do nothing bruh."

"Its my issues Though saint! You don't need to deal with it." My crying began to slow down.

"Xamora we been best friends out of diapers! You know me better then anyone! And sure I was mad- but I would never actually leave you hanging like that." He stopped talking, his leg shaking frantically. "You like my other half bruh- cant let no shit like this go down- hell no."

Laying back again as Saint put the ice back over my face I relaxed.

"Im sorry I didn't listen."

Saint chuckle at me lowly. "I didn't expect you too- but i also didn't expect you to keep away from me for almost two weeks."

"Its been like a week and two days." Internally my eyes rolled.

"Same Difference."

"No its not!" I laughed, saint was always saying that and is wrong!

"Yes it is!" He semi chuckled with me.

"How! 14 days compared to ten?"

"Cause! If you take away the difference- the four guess what." Pausing dramatically so my laugh filled the air, Saint huffed. "Exactly."

"Shut up bruh!." My rip cage began to hurt. "I cant breathe." I clenched at my stomach the best I could.

"Just relax Mora!" Saints hands wrapped around my wrist pulling them back to my side.

Since I couldn't see I just let him take the lead.

"Ima look real quick." He removed the ice. "Might bruise up a little- ima massage around it right quick tell me if it hurts." Suddenly I felt my nerves jolt feeling Saints fingers connect with my skin. Indistinguishably ( without notice.) I held on to my breath trying to calm my heart as Saint pushed the tissue of my skin down and in a spread motion trying to get my blood to flow again.

"Does it hurt?" He let out raspy, probably from just being tired. It was starting to get hard trying to ignore how Fine Saint was- especially with how gentle he was being with me.

"No." I let out shakily.

"Ok." He replied and for what seemed like forever he kept massaging me until I eventually feel asleep. I was beat - literally.

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