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Seeing everyone having a great time at the valentines day Dance My heart races at what I was about to do. Walking up the side of the stage I could spot Crystal and Levi handing out the papers to the students as planned.

This was it. I was finally about to get my revenge back On Grace in the most Glorious way. Exposing her for the thot ass bitch she really was By Reading all of the text messages proving shes been sleeping with Javier behind saints back.

I was so excited finally He can leave her and be with me.

Finding Saint In the crowd I smiled at him looking down at the papers in my hand. It was time.

"Hey baby Its me." I smirked reading the first text message keeping my eyes on the papers. "Saint just Left and Im craving your touch, please come fuck me."

Hearing everyone in the gym gasp with confusion my smile grew wider.

"Im on my way Sexy. Make sure the drawls are left at the door." I Kept going. "January 5th 'Oh my gosh Javier baby I just found out Im pregnant 😩' 'How many weeks are you?' '5' 'do you know who the father is?' 'No but ever since we started fucking Me an him really haven't been maybe like once a week.' 'Iight, so When we can We'll just get a DNA test.' Two weeks later. 'I got the results back babydaddy & you're the father!' 'Damn, I -."

Hearing the mic cut off My neck snapped to left stage seeing Saint at the equipment.

"Xamora what the fuck are you doing?!"

"Im exposing Grace for who she really is!" I said back in a desperate tone. "This whole time she's been playing you saint! Cant you see the baby isn't even yours!"

"I dont care!" He stomped my way angrily pointing his finger in my face and suddenly the whole crowd of students looked upset murmuring Slick shit between each other. "You did all of this for what? You think ill be with you?! Well news flash Xamora I love Grace and Im Going to Always choose her over you! Never in a million years would I even wanna be with-."


Hearing the School bell go off I jumped up out my desk grabbing my chest and looking around. People packing up for the end of class gave me a weird look but went back to what they were doing.

It was Just a dream, I thought trying to calm my heart. It was literally beating so fast I could feel it in my ears.

"You Ok Xamora?" Mrs.Allen walked over to my desk worried.

"Yes Ma'am, just under a little bit of stress." I finally calmed down grabbing my stuff together.

"I see, you've never fell asleep during a class period before." Her face went into a wrinkle worry. "If you need to talk my door is always open." She gave me a tight smile.

"Thank you Mrs.Allen, Ill definitely keep that in mind."

Getting up and walking out of the classroom I quick made my way to the gym Ignoring all the chatter about Grace and her baby.

It seemed like everyone cared for some reason, like they were having a baby themselves. I didn't get what the hype was about either way to be honest.

Getting to the gym class I saw the volleyball Net right in the middle of the court an instantly knew that what we were going to be doing. Rolling My eyes I headed to the locker room to change.


After our warm up work outs, our Gym Teacher Coach Jackson  (One Of my real School Coached from High School who passed away and had Three babies ❤️ Rip to him and I hope His family is thriving 🤞🏾) Gave Us the option of either going to the bleachers or Playing in the game.

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