11:40 a.m

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Walking from my second block to my third completely out of it, I rubbed my head in annoyance. School was annoying, Saint, Javier... everyone an Everything today was annoying me.

Getting to the end of the hallway, strong arms encircled around me pulling me back into an empty janitors closet.

At first I wasn't alarmed thinking it was Chauncey trying to pull one over on me but then the culprit spoke.

"Don't scream." He mumbled sending a wave of horrified chills down my spine. Turning on the light Javiers face shined in the light. Throwing my fish At him instantly trying to back away from him petrified, he grabbed at me trying to hold me down.

"Please stop Xamora I'm not here for that." He took a hit to the face sucking his teeth.

"Let me go!" I grunted out pushing away from him.

"Calm Down!" He took me by either side shaking me."calm the fuck down bruh!" He almost sounded like he was... pleading? "I just wanna apologize Xamora." His voice cracked an tears formed in his eyes. Letting go of me gently he wiped his face taking a deep breath in.

"Im sick Xamora." He spit out pulling me into this awkward hug whimpering into my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking down at him warily my hands still by my side.

Pulling away from me Javier put his hand over his eyes taking in a deep breath. "I mean Im Literally sick - My Momma had me locked up in a psychiatric home... They told me I have Multiple personality's."

Standing there shocked I stepped back a bit leaving my back to the door and my hand on the handle.

"What does that have to do with me?" I gulped more nervous than before.

"Because!" He looked over to me. "All that shit that was done to you was Not by me!" He kept crying. "Xamora you don't even know the half." A Sarcastic chuckle escaped his lips.

Now I don't know if I believed Javier ... but where else where he have been? I had to find out some answers to make it all make sense... Because for a Year Javier was the sweetest person I know, waited until I was ready to have sex an all- then this year he just became the complete opposite.

"So tell me." I said my eyes studying every move he made.

Taking in a deep breath Javier gave me a serious gaze."I have four different personalities, two of which are evil an vindictive." He spoke with all seriousness.

Trying to gathering something out of what he was telling me my face mushed together in confusion.
"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that for a while these other personalities been- taking over me an Mimicking who I Am which is so against the case with other cases."

"What?" My head pulled back with confusing with my lips pulled into a stank face.

"Im serious Xamora! An For some reason these two other personalities hate you..." he trailed off tuning away from me.

Breathing harder I began twiddling with my fingers not knowing what to say.

"I was Disassociating with myself for almost seven months now an didn't know... they told me its from seeing my father be murdered as a child." Javiers body fell back to the shelves.

Raising my eyes to him in horror with my mouth shut I just shook My head. He really seen his father be killed? In all my life of knowing him I've never known that.

"I don't talk about it - an apparently all this built up trama caused me to create these different personalities. My mom-." He paused laughing to himself. "My mom told my physiatrist when I was younger like 8-14 she thought it was me with imaginary friends then once I hit the ending of high school she said she knew it had to be something else... it always sounded like two people were talking to themselves. I couldn't believe it my self but then-." He began crying again. "My mom over heard Hex talking to Gem and they were so lit bout how they had you jumped."

Tears began forming in my eyes at this point but I tried hard to hold them down.

"She brought me to a psychiatric home the next day... I was evaluated an at first no one wanted to speak but they tested him an he came out spilling all the beans."

"Did He tell you who jumped me?" I urge out without a second thought.

Giving me sympathetic eyes Javiers shoulders dropped shaking his head. "No."

"Bullshit!" I cried angrily. "Fucking bullshit!" I stomped shoving him pissed off.

"Im telling the truth Xamora!" He said back. "But if you wanna know Ill try an find out! Ill ask my mom to try n get it out of him! But Hex wont let us talk to no one else!" He said out in a rush. He sounded so serious I had no choice but to believe him. Standing their watching each other for a moment, then taking a step near me javier sighed hard trying to grab on to my hand but I just couldn't touch him.

"I have to go back home now- my moms gunna go crazy if she found out I left."

"Why are you here if you're not supposed to be?" I asked in a duh tone... thats stupid.

"Once I felt better I just had to come tell you everything my mom told me."

"Oh" I nodded to him. "I should go too." Turning away from him to walk out Javier held my shoulder. "Its one more thing too." He said in a painful tone.

But what else could there honestly be at this point?

"Im not the one who took your virginity." His hand held my shoulder in a comforting way.

Holding my breath, my eyes went everywhere as I tried to thing of what to say, or even think.
I had to just go.

Walking out fast to an empty hallway Javier followed me. "Will you come see me tonight?" He rushed out in a sneaky whisper.

"Maybe." I threw over my shoulder with out a second thought wanting to just be left alone an to get to class.

I heard his footsteps stop, feeling his eyes preying into the back of me.

I couldn't deal with this right now, saint will just be pissed off from me talking to Javier.

Walking into the back door if the classroom everyone turned back an looked at me, including Crystal.

"Ms. Knight did you have an issue finding the classroom today?" Mr. Hamilton looking up at me through his glasses even though he was already standing in the front of the class.

"No." I mumbled going to sit down. He began teaching again while just shaking his head at me.

"Where were you?" Crystal mumbled as I walked around her to my seat.

"Long story... I'll tell you on the way to lunch."

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