February 6th

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1:30 am


"You got it all In Cash right?" Jashawn Looked up at Tre an I as we sat down on either side of him.

He was on the couch in his living room playing 2k, waiting for our asses to get back.

"Of course." I scrunched my face up in a 'duh' manner. "Know I ain't going out sad." I moved my elbows on my knees holding a remote for the game now. "Add me in."

"Right asked us like we was some newbies or some." Tre laughed grabbing some weed out his bag and braking it up on the table.

"Just making sure shit straight y'all damn." Jashawn chuckled. "Know this Crack shit get tuff."

"Brings in money though." I shrugged watching as he ended the game he was currently playing, going back to the home screen.

"They ain't give y'all no issue since I aint come though right?" Jashawn asked adding in another control then the player screen for us to choose who we wanted came up.

Jashawn ass use to work under my dad, he was like 23 / 24 when My pops was killed. He looked up to him a lot, I did too though cant Lie. My father was a Star in the neighborhoods, All of them around. Him and Kurk played a big part in helping the community and giving back.

From what I heard after My father died Kurk Found who did it and had a hit sent out on him. I wish I was personally able to have done it but im glad someone got it done, and if anyone Him.

"Hell Nah." I said choosing the bulls as my Team.

"Ass- ass team." Jashawn scoffed at me laughing.

"Yeah just shut up an play. Ill show yo ass some." I smirked moving my locs out my face as he started the game.


Hour later

Feeling My phone vibrate I looked down seeing it was Xamora.

'Ah shit, I forgot to call her.'

Answering the phone I sat it down on my lap, so when I looked down I could see her.

"Whats up baby." Looking back up at the game since it started I kept my concentration there.

"You didn't call me you lier." She mumbled rubbing her eyes.

"Did you wake up just to tell me that?" I asked seeing  her hair all over the place and dried saliva on her cheek.

"Yea." She nodded softly laying her head back down an closing her eyes. "I was waiting for you to call me but you didn't."

"My bad." I chuckled. Just seeing her want me made my heart start to feel itchy making my stomach turn.

"Whose that?" Jashawn called over Tre.

Putting my phone on mute I looked over to them. "Why?"

"Shit, im just saying that voice sounds familiar." Tre said.

"Sure as hell do." Jashawn sat there with a genuine confused look on his face.

"Its Xamora." I rolled My eyes looking down to see she was back asleep. "And mind Y'all business, before you say shit."

"I ain't got shit to say." Tre raised his hands in the air then licking his gar. "Shit, that ain't my cousin." He laughed looking over to Jashawn.

"And That ain't my damn business." Jashawn shook his head laughing too. "Grace a bitch, an swear she better than some damn body cos her momma rich. Shes reminds me of one of those Girls in the movie that no one wants around yet she always is for some odd reason?"

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