7:05 am

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Walking across the street taking in the damp morning air. I sighed looking up into the semi still dark sky.

It felt good outside this morning, as if it rained last night or something because the air was still misty.

Getting to the front door I took a deep breath, sticking my key in an opening the door. I walked in quietly, shutting the door behind me slowly.

On Saturday mornings it was usually always quiet, since my mother sleeps in on her day off and my brother never wakes up before 1 on the weekends.

But Today It felt like a different quiet, more eerie.

Walking past the Living Room from the side of my eyes I could see my uncle sleeping on the couch, with both his arms behind his head.

"Bitch." I mumble furiously walking to my room in a new rage. "Who the fuck does she think she is letting him stay over the house. I swear when I get my own shit No one besides my little brother can worry bout me-." Opening my Door my heart stopping seeing my Dad sitting on the edge of my bed, his chin in his hand.

"Good Morning Xamora, where you been at?" He turned to me a scold on his face.

Ignoring his comment I ran up to him tossing my hands around his waist. "Your home." I cried holding him tight.

"An you weren't..." he hugged me back looking down at me.

"Mom didn't tell me she was going to get you!" I pulled back wiping my face.

"She said she didn't know where you were and you didn't call."

"Well why wouldn't she just call me?" I turned my lip up.

Maybe because she was too busy engulfed into uncle Raymond.

"Don't try an Turn this on your mother girl, you a young lady and you didn't come home on a Friday night? You out there being fast?"

"What!? No Dad!" I yelled defensive as hell. He just came out of prison and he already felt like he had some right to start throwing accusations at me? He needa be worried about his wife.

"So why didn't you come home last night Xamora!" He got louder standing tall. "You Know what Can Happen to young females out on the streets? How many get killed just for walking home alone?"

"I wasn't On the STREETS! And I find it funny that THATS your assumptions!"

"Well what the hell am I supposed to think when My 18 year old Daughter doesn't come home? I was fucking Worried!"

"For What?! You haven't Even been here Dad! You dont even Know the Half of what I have going On right now! AND ALL YOU CAN THINK IS THAT IM SOME TYPE OF HOE? THE ONLY HOE AROUND HERE IS MOM! WHY NOT GO ASK HER WHOSE SHE BEEN FUCKING SLEEPING WITH BEHID YOUR BACK!"

Twisting his neck at me, my father an I held a hard Stare down Before he Angrily walked passed me.

Realizing what I just said My heart Dropped an I immediately followed him out my room door to the stairs.

"Dad Dont listen to me I was just Angry."

"Angry my fucking ass." He spit out slamming their room door open. "Tasha."My father snatched the blanket off of her.

"Dad Please!" I held on to his arm begging him not to wake her up, my heart pumping out of my ass.

I did it now, No way Was I ever gunna live this moment down.

"Get off of me Xamora, TASHA!" He yelled again this time completely snatching the blanket off of her.

"What the fuck Ray?" She sat up slowly confused looking at me through the slits of her eyes. "I know you not that upset with Xamora babe you just got home." Her hand fumbled around on the bed looking for the blanket.

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