Both Epsilon oc bio

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Name: Thea

Last name: Church.


Rank: Private

Armor color: Cherry red

Species: Human

Hair color: black

Eye color: bright blue

Assault rifle

Affiliations: red team

Status: Alive

Age: 17

Family: Leonard Church (father, active)
Agent Texas (mother, unknown)

Abilities: mechanic, medic, hand-to-hand combat.

Strength: average

Mental health: normal

Personality: Jaded, tough, a jackass, sarcastic, a bit mean and rude.

Likes: To mess with Simmons, making sarcastic comments to Sarge, mess up Grif's cleaning, yelling at blues for being morons and yelling to Church.

Dislikes: Blues, Church, cleaning, listening to Sarge orders and talking to Simmons about smart stuff.

Fears: None.


Epsilon Thea is different from the real Thea so her story's a bit different. She went to High school, never made friends and hates life. She doesn't like people seeing her scar on her face so she wears the helmet until she has to sleep. So basically, she's a jackass and bitch like her parents. Shocker, Huh.

Voice actor: Ashley Eckstein

Name: Shawn

Last name: Ortez.

Suicidal maniac
Explosive genius

Rank: Private

Armor color: mint with black accents

Species: Human

Hair color: black

Eye color: Purple

Assault rifle
Rocket launcher
Mini bombs

Affiliations: blue team

Status: Alive

Age: 28

Family: unnamed parents (deceased)

Hand-to-hand combat
Building bombs.

Strength: average

Mental health: a bit nutty

Personality: Crazy, gets excited over bombs, maniac over killing reds and a bit of a father figure.

Likes: Killing reds, bombs, explosions, helping Caboose and Tanks.

Dislikes: Reds, people hurting Caboose and being able to build bombs.

Fears: Caboose getting hurt.


Shawn's parents died when he was young by a fire he made because he was being abused by them, so he joined the army and joined blue team. When he met Caboose, he felt like he had to become a better father figure for Caboose and help him. So, he adopted Caboose and became his father.

Voice actor: Jack black

Just to clarify, these are just the Epsilon ones. I will be doing the real ones but only in season ten. The episode where they start acting like their real selves Thea becomes more kind but is still jaded.

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