Hell's angel

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Fade in to Church and Tucker outside Blue Base with Tex, Shawn and Caboose talking behind them.

Church: Tucker, c-come on man, help me. I need to find a way to have her stick around a bit longer.

Tucker: Oh yeah sure, no problem. Maybe you and your girlfriend can find time to go on a killing spree. Do some real bonding.

Church: Tucker.

Tucker: Oh, that's right, not your girlfriend. Just the girl that you're stalking, through multiple planes of existence.

Church: Hhgh.

Tucker: Romantically.

Church: Please, I just need a little more time.

Tucker: Why, who cares?

Church: I do, I'm supposed to do this.

Tucker: Fine, where is she now?

Church: She's talking with Caboose and Shawn.

Church points behind them and Tucker looks at them.

Tucker: Well that should keep her busy for at least a few minutes. Half an hour if she starts asking them math problems.

Tex, Caboose and Shawn walk up behind them.

Tex: Hey, I'm gonna stick around a while longer.

Church: You are? I mean... you are?

Tex: Yeah. Caboose here said you guys need some help with the tank, so I figured ah, I could help with that too. What can I say, I like the kid.

Shawn: Plus Caboose paid her a hundred dollars.

Tex: Yeah, that too.

Tucker: Money - why didn't I think of that?

Church: Because you don't have any money?

Tucker: Good point. Hey Caboose, give me some money!

Caboose: Oka- wait. S'this a trick. I'll pay you a hundred dollars to show me how it works.

Shawn: Don't give him any money Caboose.

Cut to Grif, Thea and Simmons outside looking at Lopez's body.

Simmons: I can't believe you guys didn't know this was Lopez, and not me. Thea was the only one who knew it wasn't me.

Grif: What do you expect, he had the perfect disguise.

Simmons: He painted himself maroon. Badly!

Thea: Yeah, that.

Grif: Exactly! How could anyone be expected to see through that?

Simmons: He spoke Spanish, no one else does.

Thea: I do.

Simmons: Except Thea.

Grif: That did seem weird at first, but, you always go through those annoying phases. Like, remember that time you were gonna learn to play banjo, or the time you were gonna be a vegan?

Simmons: What do you mean phases, I am a vegan.

Thea: And He can play the banjo. Very good actually.

Grif: I know, and isn't all that annoying?

Simmons: But you couldn't figure it out. Hawh, you don't know me at all. Theas the only one that really knows me.

Grif: To be fair, we didn't know Lopez either. We knew you both equally as little, so, you can see how we'd get confused. Also, we didn't really care.

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