MIA part six

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Basic training camp

Thea was walking to the barracks and she realized that she was the only girl there. All of them looked at her with undressing eyes, Thea avoided them and just went to her bunk, on the bottom bunk was a boy that was taking a nap.

She put her bag on the bunk and sat on it. Then drill Sargent came in and started barking orders.

Drill Sargent: Everyone! Move out! We are starting our drills to defeat those cunning blues! Once and for all!

Everyone got on there feet and the drill Sargent noticed that her bunk mate was still sleeping, he went to wake him up. They were training on driving mongooses with partners, she got one that kept looking down at her breast and she didn't like that. So when they got on the rides she looked at him.

Thea: Move your hands any further up and I'll break your arms.

Thea started driving and every time they hit a bump, the guys hands moved up a bit and when they got to her breast he gave them a squeeze.

Thea was mad to say the least, when they were done guy got off and looked like he was turned on. Thea got off the mongoose and looked at him then jumped on them and broke his arms. As she was walking away angrily, she gave the others a warning.

Thea: The next person who does that and gets turned on by it, gets their balls cut off.

They were scared to say the least but the one that got his arm broke, didn't listen and continued to find ways to touch her body. While she was working on a jeep, her butt was exposed. So he took the opportunity to touch it, when he did he found himself on the ground with a knife going threw his pants, cutting it off.

He was bleeding as he covered it up and screamed in pain. Thea looked at him with the bloody knife in her hand, she looked at him knowingly.

Thea: I warned you.

Thea walked away as two guys came and helped him to the infirmary to get it stitched on. From that day forward, they never did that again, but they did ask to see naked pictures of her which in return she threatened to cut theirs off in their sleep and hid them.

That's what prompted them to never ask again. One day, Thea was on her bunk eating cookies when her bunk mate came up to her. Thea looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Thea: What do you want?

???: Can I have one of your cookies?

Thea was surprised by this, normally guys would ask her to see her naked.

Thea: Uh, sure.

Thea gives him a cookie and he eats it on his bunk. Thea at him upside down.

Thea: What's your name?

Grif: Dexter Grif. You?

Thea: Thea Church.

Grif: Church? What kind of name is that?

Thea: I'm Jewish.

Grif: Oh.

After an awkward silence, Grif looks at her.

Grif: You like Star Wars?

Thea: Heck yeah I do.

And that was the birth of a beautiful friendship, that would be known today. Grif told her everything, Thea told him anything and they promised each other to not tell a soul.

Present day

Washington follows Thea out of the facility trying to talk to her.

Washington: Thea wait.

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