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Fade into Blood Gulch. Church walks up to Tex, who is working on Sheila.

Tex: (muttering) Come on, damn it. (sighs)

Church: Still won't start huh?

Tex stops working on the tank and walks to Church.

Tex: No. But it's getting there.

Church: Did you uhh... try checking the starter?

Tex: (sarcastically) Oh, what a brilliant idea. Next you're gonna' ask me if I tried the keys.

Church: You have keys?

Tex: No.

Church: How do you know so much about vehicles?

Tex: Well, during the training. We had to learn to care for our equipment. Plus, I've always liked cars.

Church: Uhh... training huh? Was that before...

Tex: Before what? Before I was killed? Before you brought me back as, whatever I am now?

Church: Oh. You know about that?

Tex: Well, of course I do. I know what you know. You made me.

Church: Well...no, not me.

Tex: Whatever. Him.

Church: Why did he do it? I...don't even remember when you first came around, you were just...kinda' there one day. It was like uhh... a training session or something like that.

Tex: (sighs) Yeah, Wyoming and Maine. Big dummies.

Church: Well, why did he bring you back?

Tex: You know what Church, I don't know? You tell me. He didn't exactly ask me what I wanted, I just kinda' came along for the ride, I didn't get a vote.

Church: But you were there when Alpha was there. Nobody else was.

Tex: I don't know. What can I say? I guess we were inseparable.

Sheila suddenly activates, Tex looks at the tank in glee.

Tex: There you go! Tank's fixed! See what happens when you treat something right?

Church looks at Tex and remembers what the other Thea said.

Church: Yeah. Yeah, as a matter of fact I think I do.

Fade in to Maine carrying a white suitcase back to Team A's Warthog.

Carolina: Nice work Maine.

Maine: Thanks.

Maine gets in the Warthog while putting it on his back.

York: Yeah, subtle as always. Response team is probably on the way.

Carolina: Let's get the hell out of here.

York: Hold on!

York drives the Warthog down the highway, swiftly passing by several random cars. Two Insurrection Hornets are in pursuit.

York: Comin' through! Excuse me! Look out!

Carolina: Here they come!

The Hornets close in on Team A. Three Insurrection soldiers (a muscular sleeveless soldier, a sniper soldier, and a female soldier) with jetpacks hop off their Hornets and flank the Warthog.

York: Behind us!

As Team A battles two of the Insurrection soldiers, the Sniper Soldier speeds ahead and takes aim on a truck in front of Team A. The other two Insurrectionists continue to fire.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 9Where stories live. Discover now