M.I.A part two

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23 years ago on earth.

At the Church's home on earth. It had been two months since Thea was born and right now she was crying, Allison was holding their crying newborn daughter in her arms as she started crying all of sudden.

Allison: Shh, It's okay, I got you.

Thea just kept crying and kept rubbing her ears, as if she's trying to cover them. Allison was extremely worried about her but didn't know what to. She sat on the chair and held her baby close to her chest while covering her ear while the other ear listened to her heart.

Thea started to calm down with a few hiccups and started to fall asleep. Her husband walked in to see the baby asleep with Allison holding her.

Leonard: How is she?

Allison: Finally asleep, she just started crying out of nowhere. I'm a little worried Leonard.

Leonard: We'll go to the doctor in the morning to see what's wrong.

Allison: Okay.

Allison got up and put the baby back in the crib and went back to sleep but after an hour a dog barked and Thea started crying again, while trying to cover her ears. The next morning they went to the hospital to get her checked out.

As they were sitting in the doctors office, Allison was holding Thea, who had little ear muffs on, while she slept. The doctor walked in with some papers and closed the door quietly as to not disturb the baby. As he sat down Leonard looked at him.

Leonard: Is everything okay with Thea?

Doctor: (Quietly) Well, we took a scan of Thea and found something on. Her hearing is very sensitive.

Leonard: Of course it's Sensitive she's a new born.

Doctor: (Quietly) Well, it's really sensitive. Like room noises are loud, talking loud is ear ringing and too loud noises like screaming can cause her ears to bleed. Now at this stage it would be best to let her wear those ear muffs while shes a baby until shes older and has more control over it.

Allison: (quietly) So she has to wear ear muff for the rest of her life?

Doctor: (quietly) Not necessarily, with cases like these, we give the patients these headphone that don't produce sound. When she gets older, she'll wear them but it will get some time to get used too. Now I do suggest letting her wear ear muffs while she sleeps because the headphones might hurt her ears even more.

Leonard: (Quietly) How can we help her?

Doctor: (Quietly) Just give her lots of love and normal life as possible.

They nodded and left with their daughter now awake. She looked around while they drove home, her bright blue eyes were curious about the trees.

When the got home, Leonard went in first to tell Rachel what they found out so she wouldn't yell. Allison got her daughter as she looked around, when they got inside Rachel greeted them with a smile. She looked at her little sister as Thea reached out to her. Rachel gave her one of her figure and Thea grabbed it, while giggling. Allison took her to her room and put her on her little seat while Rachel played with her. Allison and Leonard were concerned for their daughter but would give her a good life.

Five years later

Thea was five years old and was in school, wearing headphones. Her parents told her about her condition and she understood why she had to wear special headphones but that didn't stop her from being bullied. She's come home with a bloody nose or bloody lip, she didn't tell her family because she didn't want to be a bother. Her mother was away and her father was busy with a project he was working on. Her sister was working on a school project, so her entire family was busy. So she kept her mouth shut, her mother recently called her and told her that she might not make it for her birthday but she didn't care, she wanted her mother to save the world and that was a good gift.

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