M.I.A part five

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UNSC training camp

Thea is seen training with a assault rifle. She looked over her shoulder and saw a soldier staring at her. For a few weeks, the soldiers were watching here every move around the equipment because someone told them that she was sabotaging the rifles. So they sent in a guard to keep an eye on her, but it just got worse.

When Thea was done she put the rifle down and walked to the hand-to-hand combat area. Her sparing partner was Bailey and they trained, she was good at hand-to-hand combat. She became a Mechanic and then a medic. She was really good at them, she became a Mechanic because her mother loved cars. She just wish she could see her now.

The next day, she was training with the assault rifle. The guard told her to keep training as he went to talk to the Sargent, when he was gone Riley walked up to her with a smug look on his face.

Riley: Hey Chika, still training with a assault rifle?

Thea: Yeah.

Thea didn't like him because he flirted with her because of her body and he was an ass to everyone, so she rejected him every time.

Riley: Maybe if you didn't mess with any equipment them maybe you'd be shooting a sniper rifle.

Thea ignored him and continued practicing. Riley didn't like that, so he grabbed her arm and turned her towards him.

Riley: Answer me when I'm talking to you!

Thea: I don't talk to stormtroopers.

Riley: You and your little quotes. You know if you keep this up, you might get kicked out of the academy and that's a big Nono, Sargents little pet.

Thea was mad at these insults but she was waiting for the soldier to come back and hear Riley brag to her. But one insult made her snap.

Riley: Your so useless, that I bet your mother killed herself during the war.


A loud bang was heard and a scream in pain. Thea looked at Riley on the floor shocked to see him holding his foot.

Riley: You shot me in the foot! Ow!

Thea just stared at him shocked at what she did. Then the Sargent came and took the gun out of her hands.

Sargent: Cadet Church! Follow me to my office!

Thea: Yes sir!

Sargent: Someone get Cadet Monroe to the infirmary.

Thea followed the Sargent as Bailey looked at her worried as Riley screamed in pain. In the office Thea was sitting in a chair while the Sargent was looking at her from his desk.

Sargent: Explain to me what happened Cadet.

Thea: I was training with the assault rifle and the safety was off.

Sargent: Then why didn't you turn on the safety cadet?

Thea: Because when Monroe was talking to me I was still training and I was hoping to keep train when the guard came back sir.

Sargent: Next time cadet, keep your cool.

Thea: It was hard to do that when someone insulted my mother. I didn't care if it was me but no one insults my mother, no one.

Thea looked at the Sargent.

Sargent: And he was constantly belittling people sir. You taught us that you should treat your fellow cadet like they were your best friend? He wasn't doing that sir.

The Sargent looked at her and smirked.

Sargent: You really are like Allison.

Thea looked at him confused as he got and went to the other side of the desk.

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