M.I.A part four

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UNSC training camp.

Thea was standing straight with her shoulders back with some other recruits in a line. Her body had matured a bit and her face healed into a scar. They were currently getting ready for their drill Sargent as a soldier was making sure everything was perfect, by yelling at them and making them do push up.

Soldier: Your hair is messy! Give me 50 push up!

Female Cadet: Yes sir! (Starts doing push ups)

Soldier: Your fly is down! Give me 100 push ups!

Male Cadet: Yes sir! (Starts doing push ups)

As he yelled at the other cadets, Thea blinked then raising an eyebrow looking at the soldier and then looked down at her clothes nervous. After the soldier made them do push-ups, there Sargent arrived and started asking everyone questions.

Sargent: You! What's your name?

Male cadet: Riley Monroe sir!

Sargent: And why did you join the army?

Riley: To make my family proud!

Sargent: Wrong! Your here to fight for your people not for proudness!

Riley looked down while some of the cadets tried not to giggle. The Sargent walked up to a female Cadet who was grinning.

Sargent: You! What's your name?

Female cadet: Bailey Jefferson sir!

Sargent: And why did you join the army?

Bailey: To serve my planet and defeat the covenant sir!

Sargent: That's what I like to hear.

Bailey looked at Riley and gave him a smug look while he glared at her. The Sargent walked up to Thea, who was a little nervous.

Sargent: You! What's your name?

Thea: Thea Church Sir!

Sargent: Church Huh? Why did you join the army?

Thea: To protect my planet and be like mom sir!

The Sargent looked at her with a grin and nodded.

Sargent: That you will.

After the Introductions the Sargent yelled at them.

Sargent: Now give me 30 laps around the track, the last ten people to not to make the line gets no dinner. No move!

All the cadets started running to get their dinner.

One hour later.

Thea was done taking her cold shower and went to the cafeteria as she was one of the lucky ones. As she was in line, every time the line moved a kid shoved another one every time.

Cadet: You don't have to keep shoving me every time the line moves.

Cadet: Your going slow.

Cadet: The line is moving an inch a minute you moron.

Cadet: And yet your going slow each time.

Cadet: Every time it moves you always shove me. Your an idiot.

Cadet: Your the one that's stupid.

Cadet: At least I didn't get yelled at be the Sargent.

Thea recognized them as Bailey and Riley. She decided to keep her distance from him to keep from causing trouble. Unlike that girl who made him mad. It was Thea turn for food, it was beef pasta for dinner and she tried sticking to her vegetarian side and chicken but it was no use. So she sucked it up and ate it. She avoided the other tables and ate alone.

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