Son of a bitch

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Fade in to Blood Gulch with the Blue team debating over which Red to kill. An earthquake briefly occurs.

Tex: Ok, pick one.

Church: Anyone?

Tex: Well, preferably one on that side of the canyon. But uh, I'm not all that choosy.

Tex looked at Tucker and he looks at her.

Tucker: Why are you looking at me when you say that?

Shawn: Ha.

Tex: No reason... just pick one and take the shot. I'll cover you if they attack.

Church: You mean, shoot them with this?

Church raises his sniper rifle.

Tex: What else?

Tucker: Heheh, he's really not that great with that thing.

Tex: Give me a break. You're a soldier.

Church: Yeah well that's debatable.

Tex: Hit the rock over there.

Church: Okay.

Church aims and takes two shots at a rock with the sniper rifle, but misses both shots.

Tex: Ugh...

Church: Ya see, I think the uh.. the sun reflected off the rockface there and..

Tex: Just gimme the damn rifle.

Church: Yeah okay. Thanks.

Church gives the rifle to Tex as Shawn is holding in his laugh. With Donut and Lopez, the latter of which is still maroon.

Donut: Hey Simmons, did you hear that?

Lopez: Sí. Sonó como un rifle.[Yes. It sounded like a rifle.]

Donut: I'm sure it's nothing.

Lopez: ¿Por qué dices eso? Ésta es una zona de guerra.[Why would you say that? This is a war zone.]

Donut: Good point Simmons. Back to work!

Cut back to Blue team where Tex now has the sniper rifle

Tucker: Dude, this has to be embarrassing for you.

Church: I don't really want to talk about it.

Tex: Alright come on, it's not that hard. Which one should we take out? The pink one, the orange one..

Caboose: Pretty sure he's yellow.

While Tex is aiming she sees Grif moving very slow.

Tex: Is it me, or does he seem a little slow?

Tucker: Yeah, Caboose was held back a grade. Or two.

Tex: I meant the orange one.

Tucker: Ohohoh, yeah he's just fat.

Tex: What about the red one? I mean, he's the leader, he seems tough. Or maybe the maroon one? He looks like he's up to something.

Church: Yeah, I don't know? I can't really decide which one. Maybe we should put it to a vote.

Shawn: What about the Cherry girl? She's doing something suspicious.

Tex looks at Thea and sees her working on the Warthog.

Tex: N-no, we shouldn't do that, she's not doing anything wrong. You know what, screw it! The maroon one is closest, we'll just shoot him.

Tex shoots Lopez in the head with the sniper rifle, disassembling his entire body.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 9Where stories live. Discover now