M.I.A part three

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17 years ago

Thea was on her way home from school and went into her room. When she was done with her homework, she sat on her bed and watched a episode of Star Wars the clone wars. While she was watching, her mother came in and sat next to her.

Allison: How's my little Supernova doing?

Thea sat up and looked at her.

Thea: I'm fine, how are you?

Allison: I'm good, how was school?

Thea: Boring.

Allison: Ah, so the usually.

Allison chuckles as Thea looked at her.

Thea: Yep. Mom can I ask you a question?

Allison: Sure.

Thea: Why don't we say goodbye?

Allison looked at her and smiled.

Allison: Well, I hate goodbyes. If you say goodbye to someone, then that person is gone forever. But if you don't say goodbye, then their never really gone. Their just not here anymore, so can you promise me that you won't say goodbye?

Thea looked at her and started laughing.

Thea: (laughs) Don't worry mommy! I promise to never say that word, ever again. (More laughter)

Allison smiled at her and they hugged. Allison leaves her daughter to watch her show, Thea was grinning while watching her show making the promise to never say goodbye again.

Unknown to her, Leonard was listening to them and he smiled at his daughters promise.

Leonard: She's just like her mother.

He walked away to his office to work on paperwork.

Three years later

Thea and her sister Rachel were sitting on the stairs watching their mother pack up to help with the war with the covenant. As she put her cap on, she looked at her daughter and looked at them.

Allison: How do I look?

Thea: Awesome.

They got up and Rachel hugged her mother first.

Rachel: Come back soon.

Allison: I promise.

They separated and Rachel walked to the kitchen. Thea wrapped her arms around her mother's waist and buried her face into her stomach.

Thea: Kick some alien butt mom.

Allison: (chuckles) I promise. You take care of your sister and father, okay?

Thea: (Laughs) I promise.

They separated and Allison went outside with her husband. Thea looked at Rachel and saw that she was sad. She put her hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.

Thea: Don't worry Rach, she'll come back.

Rachel looked at her sister.

Rachel: How do you know that?

Thea: Because she's mom, she'll come back before you'll know it.

Rachel doesn't say anything and just walks to her room. Thea knows that her words won't reach her sister because she's a teenager now but at least she tried.

Thea went into her and looked out the window to see her father recording her mother leaving and tried to get her to stay but she knew that nothing can convince her to stay.

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