Evacuation plan

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On the cliff, Caboose, Shawn and Tucker saw what happened to Church.

Caboose: What happened?

Tucker: One of the Reds just shot Church in the foot.

Shawn: That's gotta hurt.

Church: (in the distance) Ow, that freakin' hurt!

Shawn: I guess it did.

Tucker: Do you think we should try to help?

Caboose aimed his gun at Church, not getting a good angle.

Caboose: I don't really see how we can, I can't really get a clear shot of Church from this angle.

Shawn: Please don't kill him.

Back at the reds base, Church is seen standing up with a bleeding foot with a puddle of blood under it.

Church: Ow, man you guys are a bunch of dicks. I just got this foot.

Thea: The hells that supposed to mean?

Simmons: Four minutes left.

Church: I just wanna say, that you guys are all mixed up. You're doing it wrong.

Donut: Doing what wrong?

Church: This, your team, like, where's Grif?

Donut: He's in the base cleaning up, he loves to keep things tidy.

Church: No, no, no, see? That's not right, this isn't the way things are supposed to be. It got all confused somehow. Grif isn't tidy at all, he's filthy.

Simmons: He's gonna wash his hands for a week if he hears you say that.

Thea: He's a clean freak.

Church: Grif, come on, get out here man!

Church calls out to Grif but he doesn't come out.

Grif: (inside the base) I'm doing my second coat of floor wax! That's when the shine comes to life. I'll be out in a minute.

Church: Ugh, Sarge come on, be Sarge, yell at him. Get him out here.

Sarge: Why would I yell at a subordinate? Seems unfair to yell at someone who can't yell back.

Church: What? That s- what?!

Sarge looks at his team while Thea just rolled her eyes.

Sarge: Hey, sorry about calling you fellas subordinates.

Church: This is so lame.

Sarge: No offense meant.

Donut: None taken, boss.

Simmons: I actually kinda like being talked down to.

Thea: Talk down to me and I'll break your arms.

Church: Okay, seriously? Sarge, come on. You love being in charge, tell these guys to, you know, shape up or do something.

Sarge: Well, I guess they could be doin' a better job.

Donut: How?

Sarge: Uhh, I just want you guys to feel like you're reachin' your full potential.

Donut: I know I am.

Simmons: Me too.

Thea: Kiss ass.

Donut: My potential is so full, I feel like I could fill up a couple other soldiers' potentials.

Simmons: God damn it, mine's just the regular kind of full.

Church: And Donut, come on, man. This isn't you, you're supposed to be, you know, free spirited. Not some kind of repressed, overachieving jarhead.

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