Mid-game substitution

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Fade inside of the cave where Lopez is standing in front of Simmons. His armor is maroon with a brown trim. Simmons wakes up, chained to a stone ball.

Simmons: (moans) Ugh, what happened?

Lopez: Hola. [Hello.]

Simmons: What, am I dead? I see my body, am I in heaven?

Lopez: Estoy tomando su lugar en el equipo Rojo.[I am taking your place on Red Team.]

Simmons: (moans) Ugh, why is my body speaking Spanish? Oh no, did I go to Mexican heaven by mistake? That's like white people hell.

Lopez: No. Reemplazándote es la única manera de que obtenga acceso al equipo que requiero para estudiar estos terremotos.[No. Replacing you is the only way I can get access to the equipment I need to research these quakes.]

Simmons: I knew it! You just wanted to become super popular so you take my place!

Lopez: No tendría que ser súper popular para hacer eso.[I wouldn't need to be super popular to do that.]

Simmons: You're gonna regret this Lopez.

Lopez exits the cave leaving Simmons alone inside.

Lopez: No veo como.[I don't see how.]

Simmons: (yelling) We'll all regret this!

Lopez: ¡Eso ni siquiera tuvo sentido![That didn't even make sense!]

Cut to Sarge, Thea and Grif atop Red base.

Sarge: I still don't understand, how does more breaks make us more efficient?

Earthquake briefly occurs

Grif: It's simple, if we have less hours to do work, we got more done in less time. It's all ratios.

Thea: He's just lazy.

Lopez then appears behind them.

Lopez: (Spanish) ... Hola. [Hello.]

Sarge: Simmons, where in Sam hell have you been?

Lopez: Estudio...de cuevas.[Cave... study.]

Grif: You sound weird.

Thea: (suspicious) Why are you, speaking Spanish?

Sarge: Yeah, almost like he's speaking a foreign language, but he's speaking very slowly and clearly, so I understand what he means.

Grif: Me too.

Sarge: What have you been up to?

Thea: The hell?

Lopez: Ya sabes. Las cosas típicas humanas como: orinar, y equivocándose en problemas de matemáticas sin razón alguna.[Oh you know. The usual human things like: urinating and getting math problems wrong for no reason.]

Grif: Sounds boring.

Sarge: I didn't understand that one.

Grif: Me neither, but boring is always a safe bet with Simmons.

Sarge: Good point.

Lopez: Por favor discúlpenme.Debo revisar algunos equipos.[Please excuse me. I need to check out some equipment.]

Grif: Okay. Bye Simmons.

Sarge: Good luck at whatever you're doing.

Lopez: Gracias.[Thank you.]

Lopez leaves and goes inside the Red base. Thea looks at the two reds.

Thea: You do realize that was Lopez, right?

Red vs blue (female OC) season 9Where stories live. Discover now