Hate to day goodbye

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Fade in to tremors, and the sky literally splitting open like a seam, revealing the inside of a room. Cut to the Reds looking up from below

Sarge: Double rainbow? What is that?

Simmons: Some kinda crack. The atmosphere must be breaking apart!

Thea: It's the end of the world!

Donut: Repent, repent, the end is here!

Grif: Well, I'll be in my bunk. Gonna catch some Z's. See you guys.

Grif walks off

Simmons: You're choosing to die while taking a nap.

Grif: It's how I lived, Simmons. It's how I lived.

Thea: You do you i guess.

Sarge: You know, in some weird way, I actually respect that. Adios, dirtbag.

Thea: Theres no one that I'd rather be with then you guys if we're gonna die.

More tremors, and the sky splits open further. Cut to Tex and Church sitting at Blue base.

Tex: I guess this is it.

Church: Hey Tex, there's something I need to tell you. I think it's important that I say this.

Tex: Wait a second. Look, I can take the whole 'at peace with the world' thing, and I can even stomach all the 'accept your fate' stuff. But... just do me a favor, okay? Don't say goodbye. I hate goodbyes. I mean, we are space warriors, right? We should try to maintain some level of credibility.

As Tex is talking, the camera zooms in on Church

Church: No, no, no, Tex, no. I think I just figured out what the Director couldn't. And Alpha either. It was you, Tex, all along. See I thought- I thought we, made you. The Director, and the fragments... but that's not the case. You made us. When the Alpha was created, you just kinda came along for the ride. You gave the Director the idea that he could make something more. That he could split the Alpha up. Don't you get it? You were the memory. You were the key. You were so strong, you made a whole other person. God - he always wanted to find you. You know, to get you right. To just see you one last time. And he wanted me to be able to do the same. To find you in here or... just, go down another iteration. Figure out this little Tex problem. Figure out how to do it right. But now I know. I know how to fix all o' this. How to end it once and for all. It was so simple all along. I just had to tell you three words. Three words I wasn't capable of telling you before.

Tex: (off screen) Oh, okay, wait a minute... are you gonna say "I love you?"

Church: No Tex, no, I'm not gonna say I love you. ...I'm gonna say I forget you.

There's a tremor, and the camera pulls back so we can see that Church is now alone on top of the base

Church: I forget you. I'm letting you go. ...Okay world, do your freaking worst! 'Cause I sure as hell just did mine.

All of a sudden, a voice from the void, full of echo as if answering his request.

Real world Caboose: (off screen) It's opening! It's working!

Church: What the hell was that?

Cut to a view of the sky, and giant, real world Caboose is looking down through the crack

Real world Caboose: U- I see him! I see him, he's in there. He's okay!

Cut to the Reds

Sarge: Is that Caboose?

Simmons: Is Caboose... God? I mean, I can kinda see it now that I think about it. Sure would explain the hell outta the platypus.

Thea: That's makes no sense!

Red vs blue (female OC) season 9Where stories live. Discover now