Rounding error

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Church: (voice over) Hi, my name is Leonard Church.

Fade into an overhead view of Epsilon's mental image of Blood Gulch.

Church: (voice over) But nobody calls me Leonard. Most people call me Church sometimes they call me Alpha and a few people even know me as the Director, but I haven't been called that in a really, really long time. You see I know that when you look at me, I know I look like a super badass space warrior, but I'm really not. I'm actually a-

Tucker: (off screen) Hey, Church!

Church: (voice over) Uh... (clears throat) Just, uh, ignore him. I'm actually a computer program that's been reincarnated in the memory of-

Tucker: Church!

Tucker continues yelling in the background as Church continues his monologue

Church: (voice over) I'm actually a computer program that's been reincarnated in the memory of the-

Tucker: Where the hell are you?!

Church: (voice over) Okay...I'm just gonna start over. I'm just...I'm gonna go back to the beginning

Tucker: Church!

Church: (voice over) (clears throat) Hi.

Tucker: Church!

Church: (voice over) My name is Leonard Church.

Tucker: Church!

Church: (voice over) But nobody calls me-

Tucker appears atop the cliff.

Tucker: Hey Church, come on!

Church turns his head toward Tucker.

Church: (groans) God damn it! What?! What do you want!?

Tucker: Come on! Get up here!

Church: Yeah, okay, hold on. For God's sakes, I'm coming! Shut up! (whispers to himself on the way up) God damn it, I can't even have one freaking moment to myself. Can't even be alone with my thoughts, not even for a second. Somebody's always gotta freaking yell, or scream, or "come look at this," or "what's going on over here," or "hey Church, help me out I don't know what the hell I'm doing!" Freaking assholes. God I forgot how much this place sucks.

During the moment Church is whispering to himself, the title Red vs. Blue: Season 9 fades upon the screen.

We see Caboose, Shawn and Tucker on a cliff waiting for Church.

Caboose: Now when he gets up here, remember the plan.

Tucker: Plan? What plan?

Caboose: We only have one shot at this. Don't let it fall apart.

Tucker: Why are you talking to me like this is supposed to make sense? Is this another one of your idiot schemes to make Church your best friend?

Shawn: Yeah, Caboose, Church doesn't want to be your friend, he wants to kill you.

Caboose: Ok. Shsh-remember, let me do the talking.

Tucker: Do the talking about what, idiot?

Caboose: Don't worry, I got this.

Shawn: I feel sorry for you.

Tucker: What would I be worried about? I don't even know what your're doing.

Church makes it to the cliff, panting heavily.

Caboose: Hey Church, welcome to the cliff.

Church: Hey guys. Man, whoo... (continues panting)

Red vs blue (female OC) season 9Where stories live. Discover now