M.I.A part one

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23 years ago on earth

On earth in Texas, was a big house. Inside the house was a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting on the bathroom floor, staring at a little test in her hand.

???: Positive. What's he gonna say? Get rid of it? We already have a kid and he said he doesn't want another one.

The women looked at her stomach and puts a hand on it and made up her mind.

???: I'm gonna keep you little one, I promise.

The women got rid of the test and called the UNSC to tell them that she would be away for awhile for parental leave and told them not to tell her family. After that was done, she called a friend to set her up a place to stay until the baby was born. He agreed and set her up at his vacation house miles away from her house and she waited for her husband but ended up falling asleep on the couch.

???: Allison.

The women, who was named Allison, woke up to someone shaking her and she saw her husband, who had black hair and green eyes, looking at her concerned.

???: You okay?

Allison: (Yawns) Yeah, I was just waiting for you.

Allison sits up and looks at him, taking his hand as he looked at her.

???: What is it?

Allison took a deep breathe and decided to tell him.

Allison: I'm, going somewhere. Out of town for awhile.

???: UNSC Business?

Allison: Yeah. But I'll be back Leonard.

Her husband, now called Leonard, looks at her and sighs.

Leonard: For how long?

Allison: Ten mouths.

Leonard looked at her with pleading eyes.

Leonard: Please don't go.

Allison smiled at him and hugged him. He hugs her back like she was going to disappear.

Allison: Don't worry, we'll see each other again. I promise.

Leonard: (Sighs) Okay, I hope you come back soon.

Allison: (Chuckles) Don't worry, I will.

???: Mom? Dad?

The two separated and looked at the stairs to see a little girl with Auburn hair and green eyes in pajamas looking at them.

Allison: Hey Rachel. What are you doing up?

Rachel: I heard something and wanted to check it out. What's going on?

Allison stood up and walked to the little girl, got on her level and placed her hands on her shoulders.

Allison: I'm going away for awhile. So I need your to take care of your father while I'm away, okay honey?

Rachel looked at her mother and nodded. She gave her a hug and Allison hugged back.

Rachel: I love you mommy.

Allison: I love you too Rachel.

Leonard walked over to them and got down to hug them both.

The next day.

Allison left the next morning without saying goodbye. She drove to the vacation house where a man in a UNSC uniform was waiting for her. She got out of the car and they approached each other.

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