[ I ]

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My dad was driving the car, while me and my older sister Tsumiki were sitting in the back seat. I looked out the window at the scenery. It was a nice area with large luxurious houses and plenty of trees all around. 

"I can't believe we're really staying with some guy we've never met." I said.

"Well it's either that or you live alone with your sister, which isn't going to happen since you're both only 9 and 7 years old." He replied, as he kept driving.

I remember the conversation we had prior to coming here. My dad had some business overseas, so he's making us live with an acquaintance of his who starting today would become our legal guardian despite us never having met him before.

My dad pulled the car into the driveway of a large, gaudy looking mansion with black gates and a giant Greek style fountain in the front. It was the type of place only the super rich could afford.

He parked the car at the side, we all got out, and he took our luggage out of the trunk and he handed it to us. 

"Megumi, aren't you excited?" Tsumiki asked me. "This place looks so nice!" She beamed, looking around the area with wonder and excitement. 

"Not particularly. A big house doesn't always mean a nice life." I said.

She laughed. "You're a pessimist as always."

"I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist." I argued. 

"Yeah sure, whatever you say!" She said. I rolled my eyes. Tsumiki probably doesn't even know the difference between pessimism and realism. I have a feeling she looks at life through a pink cherry colored lens.

We walked to the front door. My dad banged on the front, and it swung open.

The person who appeared there, was a man who was taller than 6 feet, with white silver hair. He was wearing black circular sunglasses. And he had a huge grin on his face. 

He was handsome, for sure. But I could already tell he would probably end up annoying me or causing me trouble. 

"So you're already here!" He greeted. "How was the trip? The scenery around here is nice isn't it?" He talked to my dad. 

My dad just looked at him, annoyed. I could tell he wasn't good with this guy. "I'm not interested in small talk. Anyways, they're here, so make sure you take good care of them. If you do anything suspicious or disturbing I'll kick my foot right up your ass." He threatened. 

"Scary," the guy raised his hands up in surrender, but he still had a smile on his face. "Don't worry, they'll be safe with me. It'll be fine." He opened the door wider, and gestured for me and my sister to enter the house. She entered in happily, while I trailed behind her.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm leaving before your stupidity starts rubbing off on me." He slammed the door shut, inches away from Gojo's face.

I looked at the white haired guy again. Gojo Satoru. That was what my dad called him. 

Gojo walked toward me and crouched down so he could reach my eye level. "Megumi-kun right? You're even cuter in person. I was probably going to refuse if you two were ugly, but you really are such beautiful children. Especially you, Megumi-kun." 

He brought his sunglasses down a bit. His eyes were a sky blue, and it was almost like there were clouds in them. Were they contacts? I had never seen eyes like that before. 

Gojo wiggled his fingers at me. "Or should I say, Megumi-chan?" He smiled. 

I started to get a bit creeped out. I wondered if maybe I should make a run for it. But my dad trusts him, surprisingly. And my sister is already in love with the house. "Just Megumi. Don't add any weird suffixes."

"Ehh, but -chan is cute! It suits you, because you're such a pretty boy. Megumi-chan~" he sang.

I pushed him away. "Stop making fun of me." I accused him. "I already don't like you."

But Gojo continued smiling at me. "I can tell we're going to have a lot of fun together."

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