[ XIX ]

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School had just ended. It would be a few hours until I was supposed to meet the guy I blew off a few days before. So I decided to go to the school library instead of my house to kill time. I wouldn't want to see Gojo and get into a fight again. And meeting with guys gave me less time to read, and I missed reading books.

I went to my locker, about to put my stuff away, when I started feeling dizzy. Black spots appeared in my vision. Ever since my most recent fight with Gojo, I haven't been eating breakfast so I could avoid him, and I never used his money to buy food. I only now realized I haven't eaten. 

Great, now I have to deal with hunger problems as well as the Hanahaki disease. Speaking of the Hanahaki disease, I felt one of my coughing fits about to start. This was horrible timing. I put my hand over my mouth, not letting myself cough, and making myself swallow back any blood or petals that threatened to escape from me. I pressed another hand to the locker for balance, because I was getting disoriented. 

Not good. I feel like any second now I was about to...about to...

I tumbled over, the last thing I saw in my blurry vision was a pink haired boy calling my name and something else. 

And then I passed out.

I woke up in a semi comfortable bed to the smell of rubbing alcohol. I looked around me. There was a white curtain to my right, and a table and chair to my left. 

I was in the nurses office. But how did I get here?

Then I saw a pink haired boy walk from behind the curtain to my left side, sitting in the chair beside me. Oh, so it was him. He's the one who brought me here. I recognized him from the time he dropped his papers.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. "I saw you pass out near the lockers. Should I call the school nurse so he can check up on you?"

I shook my head. "No, don't do that. Don't call anyone. I'll be fine." A cough threatened to come out of me, I tried holding it back using all of my effort, but it was getting harder and harder to do that. 

Oh gosh, I don't want to end up coughing now. I need to find someway to make it go away. Then I looked to my left and saw my answer. He's here. And I know he's attracted to me.

"You like me, right?" I asked him, holding up my shirt partially like I was about to take it off. "Do you want to do it? No one's around. We can be quick." 

"What? No!" He said in disbelief, refusing instantly. Maybe I read him wrong. Or maybe I didn't, because he said, "I mean yeah, I like you, but I don't want to do that with you. Well at least, not yet, it's too soon! Isn't it better if we take things slow and do it when we love each other?"

I remembered. That's what I wanted to do before. To do it with the person I loved. To do it with Gojo. But there was no chance of that. So it didn't matter anymore.

"Does that matter?" I asked. "Sex is sex. In the end it's just an activity." I just realized that I didn't know his name. Well, it wouldn't be the first time I had sex with a guy I didn't know the name of.

"Not to me it isn't!" He yelled, a little too loudly because he shied a little in embarrassment. "It's something you do for love. Look Megumi, you're right, I like you. But I'm not interested in doing it with you, yet. Let's get to know each other first. Maybe we can start, um," he searched for the word.

"Dating?" I asked. "Are you asking me out? Even though I don't know your name?"

He laughed. "It's Yuuji. Itadori Yuuji," he reached his hand out. I shook it. "And yeah! Let's start dating! It'll be fun."

I raised an eyebrow. "So you're not willing to have sex with someone you just met, but you're willing to date a guy you just met?"

He scratched his head. "Well, that's different. We can use dating as a way of getting to know each other. We can hang out and do what couples do in the movies, like sharing ice cream or running in the sunset." He suggested.

"You've never dated anyone before have you?" I observed.

"Yeah." He looked glum. "Have you?" He asked me back.

"No, I haven't," I admitted, surprising myself. I really haven't dated anyone. Maybe except that first guy who I ditched school with, but was it really a date? It didn't feel like one. 

And then I thought about. Maybe I was going about this the wrong way. Sleeping with guys gave me temporary relief, but it probably wouldn't work in the long run. Maybe if I dated this guy, it could be how I could get the disease to go away. Besides I was also attracted to him. I didn't exactly like him like that, but maybe I can grow to like him. He looked kind.

Maybe dating him will help me forget about Gojo.

"Alright then. Starting today, we're dating."

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